Session Information
19 SES 08, Paper Session
Paper Session
This paper explores how an ethnographical research of a training group helped to resignify the the notion of education in the practice of an art teacher. The content of this presentation is based in the research that I’m developing: "Relations between Visual Culture and an Educational Perspective in a training course”, for the doctorate of "Arts and Education" at the University of Barcelona.
Although this research has as primary goal understand how the this training group teachers learn and build knowledge together, this paper aims to explore the outcomes of the relationship that I had established with the group and how that relationship helped me to rethink the very notion of education.
As an art teacher, my concern was to teach art, without noticing that it was education what actually should guide the teachers practice. When I started this research I realized that this research was, in part, a way to build me myself as an educator: investigating, comparing and rebuilding throughout the process my own training. On the other hand this research allowed me to build a position as a researcher and ethnographer who seeks to understand how relationships are built through research: What it means looking the other? (Cochran-Smith and Lyttle, 2001).
So this ethnography is composed of two parts. The first is an attempt to keep the researcher own history (Guber, 2004:32), in order to generate a process of reflexivity (Hammersley and Atkinson. 1994; Kincheloe and Berry, 2004) that allows others to participate in this ethnography from their own experiences. And the second one explores the research as a way to answer the question about the knowledge produced by “the ethnographic fieldwork and its vicissitudes" (Guber, 2004:33).
The process as a whole: the participant observation (Hammersley y Atkinson, 1994; Guash, 1997), the data collection and the reflective writing process (Marcus, 1994) helped me to understand how the group learns from the training process and how the knowledge draws from the PEPT to their practices; it has helped me to nurture a way of understanding arts education, fundamental question in my own training process (Villasante, 2006).
Expected Outcomes
COCHRAN-SMITH, Marilyn y LYTTLE, Susan L. 2001. Beyond certainty: taking an inquiry stance on practice. In LIEBERMAN, Ann y MILLER, Lynne (eds.). 2001. Teachers Caught in the Action: Professional Development that Matters. New York: Teachers College Press. 45 – 58. COCHRAN-SMITH, Marilyn y LYTTLE, Susan L. 1993. Inside/Outside: Teacher Research and Knowledge DENZIN, Norman K. 1997. Interpretive ethnography: ethnographic practices for the 21st century. Thousand Oaks [Calif.]: SAGE. GUASH, Oscar. 1997. Observación participante. Madrid: Centro de investigaciones Sociológicas. HAMMERSLEY, Martyn y ATKINSON, Paul. 1983. Ethnography: principles in practice. London: Tavistock. HERNÁNDEZ, Fernando y VENTURA, Montserrat. 2002. La Organización del currículum por proyectos de trabajo: el conocimiento es un calidoscopio. Barcelona: Graó: ICE Universitat de Barcelona. HOLSTEIN, James A., GUBRIUM, Jaber F. 2008. Constructionist Impulses in Ethnographic Fieldwork. In HOLSTEIN, James A., GUBRIUM, Jaber F. Handbook of Constructionist Research. New York: The Guilford Press. 373 – 395. Ibañez, Tomás. 2001. ¿Cómo se puede no ser constructivista hoy en día? In IBAÑEZ, Tomás. 2001. Municiones para disidentes. Realidad-Verdad-Política. Barcelona: Gedisa. 249 – 262. IÑIGUEZ, Lupicinio. 2003. La psicología social en la encrucijada postconstruccionista. Historicidad, subjetividad, performatividad, acción. In XII Encontro Nacional da ABRAPSO. Estratégias de invenção – Psicologia Social no contemporâneo. Outubro de 2003. Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS): Porto Alegre. KINCHELOE, Joe L.; BERRY, Kathleen S. (2004) Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research – Conceptualizing the Bricolage. London: Open University Press. LE BARON, Curt. 2006. Microethnography. In Jupp, Victor (ed). The Sage Dictionary of Social Research Methods. London: Sage. 177 – 179. MARCUS, George. 1994. What comes (just) after “post”. The case of ethnography. In DENZIN, Norman K., LINCOLN, Yvonna S. 1994. Handbook of qualitative research. Thousand Oaks: Sage. 563-574. Villasante, Tomás R. 2006. Desbordes creativos. Estilos y estrategias para la transformación social. Madrid: Catarata.
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