Session Information
02 SES 08 A, Systemic Changes and Comparisons in VET
Paper Session
Associated with having a high impact on economic growth, securing social cohesion and employability, lifelong learning and equal access to it has become one of the major issues within EU policies (e.g. EC 2009). However, adult education and training (AET) is highly selective. Even though participation rates and the extent of inequality in access to AET differ substantially between countries, the familiar pattern of advantaged groups (employed, high-skilled, young age groups) participating in AET is evident everywhere (Boateng 2009; Rubenson/Desjardins 2009; Roosmaa/Saar 2010).
Overall, employers are the primary sources supporting AET. In Europe, at least 50 % of employed participants in AET are sponsored fully or partly by employers (Brunello et al. 2007). Analyses on determinants of participation controlling for ‘employer-sponsored-training’ in contrast to ’all-training’ and ’non-sponsored-training’, reveal substantial differences regarding participation patterns: e.g. women are more likely than men to participate in all training but less to participate in employer-sponsored-training. Similarly, fixed-term and part-time-work employees are not in general less likely to participate in AET, but to participate in employer-sponsored-training (Brunello et al. 2007). National analyses for Germany focusing on segment specific participation structures reveal similar results. In addition to previous studies, a co-financed form of vocational AET in terms of shared investment of employers and employees is identified. This distinctive differentiation of purely company-sponsored, self-financed and co-financed vocational AET shows that 32 % is company-sponsored AET, but co-financed AET is also pronounced with 10 %. Only 4 % is self-financed AET (Kaufmann/Widany 2013). The substantial differences of participation determinants within the segments of company-sponsored, self-financed and co-financed vocational AET emphasize that participation is conditional to opportunity structures: For example, institutional infrastructure in companies like a HR management promotes participation in company-financed AET and decreases the probability for self-financed AET. Further, gender is relevant, women show higher probabilities to participate in self- and co-financed AET than men (ibid.).
Analyses for selected EU-countries reveal that co-financed AET is of quantitative relevance in most states. Spain shows the highest amount of co-financed AET whereas Sweden shows the highest amount of company-sponsored and hardly self-financed AET. However, in all investigated countries the duration of vocational AET is lowest for company-sponsored and highest for self-financed AET (Kaufmann in preparation). But, are different reasons for and outcomes of AET-participation reflected by those investment patterns? And what role do country-specific arrangements play, like sectoral training funds (CEDEFOP 2008)? In fact, Brunello et al. (2007) find stronger effects attributed to country level on AET-participation than determinants like education, age, occupation and firm-size.
The ‘varieties of capitalism’ approach (Hall/Soskice 2001; Estevez-Abe et al. 2001) and the approach of ‘welfare state regimes’ (Esping-Andersen 1990), both arguing in different ways for country specific ‘institutional packages’ influencing AET participation, have been referred to frequently for explaining cross-country specific patterns of AET (Roosmaa/Saar 2012; Rubenson/Desjardins 2009). Overall, the approaches suggest a rather complex interplay of macro level characteristics which are expected to influence both (objective) opportunity structures (‘institutional packages’ including interrelations of skill formation systems and skill demand in different economic structures) as well as individually perceived opportunity structures resp. demand for participating in AET (Saar et al. 2013). These assumptions correspond to recently developed models, focusing on the match of demand and supply factors for explaining AET participation (e.g. Boeren et al. 2010).
Referring to these results and theoretical assumptions of interrelated supply and demand factors, AET participation distinguished by investment structures is analysed in international comparison. Thereby, differences regarding reasons for and outcomes of AET depending on the form of finance are focused, controlling for the influence of country specific ‘institutional packages’.
Expected Outcomes
Boateng, S. K. (2009): Significant country differences in adult learning. In: eurostat. Statistics in focus 44/2009. Boeren, E.; Nicaise, I. & Baert, H. (2010): Theoretical models of participation in adult education: the need for an integrated model. In: International Journal of Lifelong Education 29(1), pp. 45-61. Brunello, G; Garibaldi, P. & Wasmer, E. (2007): Education and Training in Europe, Oxford Scholarship Online, Oxford: Oxford Univ. Press. CEDEFOP (2008): Sectoral training funds in Europe. Cedefop Panorama series; 156, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities. Esping-Andersen, G. (1990): The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism. Oxford: Polity Press. Estevez‐Abe, M; Iversen, T. & Soskice, D. (2001): Social Protection and the Formation of Skills. In: Hall, P. A. & Soskice, D. (Ed.): Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Oxford Scholarship Online. Oxford: Univ. Press, pp. 145-186. EC (European Union - The Council) (2011): Council conclusions on the role of education and training in the implementation of the ‘Europe 2020’ strategy. Official Journal of the European Union, 2011/C 70/01. EU (European Commission / Eurostat) (2006): Classification of learning activities – Manual. EU (European Commission / Eurostat) (2012): Draft AES manual. Version 8. EUROSTAT: Directorate F: Social Statistics, Unit F-5: Education, health and social protection statistics. Hall, P. A. & Soskice, D. (2001): An Introduction to Varieties of Capitalism. In: Hall, P. A. & Soskice, D. (Ed.). Varieties of Capitalism: The Institutional Foundations of Comparative Advantage. Oxford Scholarship Online. Oxford: Univ. Press, pp. 1-68. Kaufmann, K. & Widany, S. (2013): Berufliche Weiterbildung – Gelegenheits- und Teilnahmestrukturen. In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft 16(1), pp. 29-54. Kaufmann, K. (in preparation): Non-formal education in Europe. Roosmaa, E.-L. & Saar, E. (2010): Participating in non-formal learning: Patterns of inequality in EU-15 and the new EU-8 member-countries. In: Journal of Education and Work, 23, pp. 179–206. Roosmaa, E.-L. & Saar, E. (2012): Participation in non-formal learning in EU-15 and EU-8-countries: demand and supply side factors. In: International Journal of Lifelong Education, 31(4), pp. 477 - 501. Rubenson, K. & Desjardins, R. (2009): The Impact of Welfare State Regimes on Barriers to Participation in Adult Education. In: Adult Education Quarterly, 59(3), pp. 187-207. Saar, E.; Ure, O. B. & Desjardins, R. (2013). The Role of Diverse Institutions in Framing Adult Learning Systems. In: European Journal of Education. Vol.48(2), pp. 213-232. Wolbers, M.H.J. (2005). Initial and Further Education: Substitutes or Complements? In: Review of Education 51(5-6), pp.459-478.
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