Session Information
07 SES 01 A, Social Justice: Pedagogical approaches
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
▪ Cushner, K. (1999). International Perspectives on Intercultural Education (Mahwah New Yersey, London, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers). ▪ D'Ardenne, P. & Mahtani, A. (1989) Transcultural Counseling in Action (London, sage Publication). ▪ Diehm, I. & Radtke; F. O. (1999). Erziehung und Migration. Eine Einführung [Education and Migration. An Introduction] (Stuttgart). ▪ Harris, B. (2003). Cultural issues in counselling, in: Hornby, G. & Hall, C. & Hall, E. (Eds) Counselling pupils in schools: skills and strategies for teachers (London, RoutledgeFalmer), 94-106. ▪ Holcomb McCoy, C. C. (2000). Multicultural Counseling Competencies: An Exploratory Factor Analysis. Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development, 28(2), 15. ▪ Papademetriou, D. (1999) Miti in stvarnost [Myths and Reality] Unesco glasnik, 30(63), 14-18. ▪ Pedersen, P. & Ivey, A. (1993). Culture – centered counseling and interviewing skills: a practical guide (Westport, Connecticut, London, Praeger). ▪ Resman, M. (2003) Interkulturna vzgoja in svetovanje [Intercultural education and counselling] Sodobna pedagogika, 54(1), 60-79. ▪ Robertson, H. L. & Hill, R. (2000). Excluded voices: Education exclusion and inclusion, in: Hill, D. & Cole; M. (Eds) Schooling and Equality (Fact, Concept and Policy) (London, Kogan Page). ▪ Roig, A. (1999). Mednarodne migracije [International Migrations] Unesco glasnik, 30(63), 3-4. ▪ Skubic Ermenc, K. (2003a) Enakost izobraževalnih možnosti v slovenski osnovni šoli s perspektive interkulturnosti [Equality of Educational Opportunities in the Slovene Elementary School from the Intercultural Perspective] (Ljubljana, Filozofska fakulteta, Oddelek za pedagogiko in andragogiko). ▪ Skubic Ermenc, K. (2003b) Komu je namenjena interkulturna pedagogika? [Who is intercultural pedagogoy meant for?] Sodobna pedagogika 54(1), 44-58. ▪ Sue, D. W. (1995) Towards a Theory of multicultural Counseling and Therapy, in: Banks, J. A. & McBee Banks, C. (1995) Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education (New York, Macmillan Publishing USA). ▪ Tseng, M. D. & Streltzer, J. S. (2001). Culture and Psychotherapy. A Guide to Clinical Practice (London, Washington, American Psychiatric Press). ▪ Zidarić, V. (1994) Interkulturalizem i interkulturno obrazovanje u kontekstu poslijeratnih migracija u Europi [Inteculturalism and Intercultural Education in the Context of Post-war Migrations in Europe], in: Odgoj i obrazovanje u izvanrednim uvjetima (Ljubljana, Unesco).
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