Session Information
17 SES 07 B, Science and Knowledge Transfer
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
1. Depaepe, M. A Comparative History of Educational Sciences: the Comparability of the incomparable, European Educational Research Journal, 2002a, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 118–122. 2. Depaepe, M. The Practical and Professional Relevance of Educational Research and Pedagogical Knowledge from the Perspective of History: Reflections on the Belgian case in its International Background, European Educational Research Journal, 2002b, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 360–379. 3. Ilić, M. Periodizacija razvoja pedagoške nauke u Bosni i Hercegovini (Periodisation of development of educational science in Bosnia and Herzegovina). Our school, 1989, No. 3-4. 4. Iskruljev, J. Dr Paja Rodosavljevic – život i rad (Paul Radosavljevich – life and career), Belgrade: ZUNS, 1971. 5. Janković, M. Srpski pedgoški časopisi 1848-1946 (Serbian pedagogical journals), Contemporrary school, 1947, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 22-37. 6. Franković, D. (ed) Povijest školstva i prosvjete u Hrvatskoj (History of School and Pedagogy in Croatia). Zagreb: HPKZ, 1958; 7. Gretler, A. Changing Conditions and Governance of Educational Research in Europe, paper presented at the European congress of Educational Research, Lahti, 1999. 8. Hofstetter, R. & Schneuwly, B. The Educational Sciences in Switzerland, Evolution and Outlooks. Bern: CSTS, 2001. 9. Majstorović, M. (ed) Pedagoška Jugoslavija 1918-1938. (Pedagogical Yugoslavia 1918-1938). Belgrade: Yugoslav Teachers Association, 1939. 10. Ozvald, K. Kulturna pedagogika (Cultural Pedagogy). Ljubljana, 1927. 11. Peri, M. Intelektualna istorija Evrope, (Intellectual history of Europe). Belgrade: Clio, 2001. 12. Potkonjak, N. Teorijsko-metodološki problemi pedagogije. (Theoretical-methodological Problems of Pedagogy). Belgrade: Education, 1977. 13. Potkonjak, N. Razvoj shvatanja o konstitutivnim komponentama pedagogije u Jugoslaviji (1944/45-1991/92). (Development of conceptualisation of constitutive components of educational science in Yugoslavia). Belgrade: Institute of Pedagogy and Andragogy, 1994a. 14. Potkonjak, N. 45 godina Saveza pedagoških društava Jugoslavije (45 years of Yugoslav Pedagogy Association). Belgrade: SPDJ, 1994b. 15. Sagadin, J. Neki putevi, stranputice i teškoće u metodološkom razvoju naše pedagogije u poratnom periodu. (Some directions, misdirections and difficulties in methodological development of our educational science in the post war period). Pedagogy, 1982, Vol 37, No.2-3, pp. 495-499. 16. Schmidt, V. Socijalistička pedagogija između etatizma i samoupravljanja (Socialist pedagogy between state and self-government). Osijek: Faculty of Pedagogy, 1985. 17. Spasenović, V., Hebib E. i Petrović, A. Serbia, in W. Horner, H. Dobert, B. von Kopp and W. Mitter (eds.): The Education Systems of Europe (671-687). Dordrecht: Springer. 18. Suhodolski, B. Tri pedagogije (Three pedagogies). Belgrade: Duga, 1974. 19. Vujisić-Živković, N. Prilog proučavanju naučnog rada Milana Ševića (One contribution in studying the scientific work of Milan Sevic), Pedagogy, 2007, Vol. 62, No. 2, pp. 290-312. 20. Vujisić-Živković, N. Šezdeset godina časopisa Pedagogija (Sixty years of “Pedagogy”). Belgrade: Pedagogical Forum, 2006.
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