Session Information
17 SES 03, Educational spaces
Paper Session
Expected Outcomes
Armitage, M. 2001. The ins and outs of school playground play: children’s use of ‘play space’, i J. C. Bishop and M. Curtis (eds.): Play today in the primary school playground: life, learning and creativity. Buckingham: Open University Press. Bentham, J. 1995: The Panopticon writings. Edited by Miran Bozovic. London: Verso. Devine, D. 2003. Children, power and schooling. Stoke on Trent: Trentham Books. Donald, J. 1992. Sentimental education. London: Verso. Dreyfus, H. L. and P. Rabinow 1983. Michel Foucault: Beyond structuralism and hermeneutics. Second edition with an afterword by and an interview with Michel Foucault. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Foucault, M. 1972. The archaeology of knowledge and the discourse on language. New York: Pantheon Books. Foucault, M. 1980. Power/knowledge: selected interviews and other writings 1972-1977. Edited by Colin Gordon. New York: Pantheon Books. Foucault, M. 1980a. Prison Talk, i M. Foucault. Power/Knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings, 1972-1977. Edited by Colin Gordon. New York: Pantheon Books. Foucault, M. 1980b. The Eye of Power, i M. Foucault. Power/Knowledge: Selected interviews and other writings, 1972-1977. Edited by Colin Gordon. New York: Pantheon Books. Foucault, M.1983. The subject and power, i H. L. Dreyfus and P. Rabinow: Michel Foucault: Beyond structuralism and hermeneutics. Second edition with an afterword by and an interview with Michel Foucault. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press. Foucault, M. 1994. Overvåkning og straff. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag. Foucault, M. 2002. Forelesninger om regjering og styringskunst. Oversatt av I. B. Neumann. Oslo: Cappelen Akademisk Forlag. Fox, N.J. 1993. Postmodernism, sociology and health. Buckingham: Open University Press. Gislason, N. 2007. Placing education: The school as architectural space, i Paideusis –International Journal in Philosophy of Education, Volume 16 (2007), no. 3, s. 5-14. URL: Goffmann, E. 1992. Vårt rollespill til daglig. Oslo: Pax Forlag A/S. Gruenewald, D. A. 2003. Foundations of place: a multidisciplinary framework for a place-conscious education, i American Educational Research Journal. Fall 2003, Vol. 40, No. 3, s. 619-654. HD (Helsedepartementet) 2003. St.meld. nr. 16 (2002–2003) Resept for et sunnere Norge. Folkehelsepolitikken. Tilråding fra Helsedepartementet av 10. januar 2003. Oslo HD og UFD (Helsedepartementet og Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet) 2004. Pressemelding nr 014-04. 03. februar 2004 Hendricks, B. E. 2001. Designing for play. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing Ltd. HOD (Helse- og omsorgsdepartementet) 2005. Sammen for fysisk aktivitet. Handlingsplan for fysisk aktivitet 2005-2009. Oslo. Holloway, S. L. and G. Valentine 2000. Children’s geographies and the new social studies of childhood, i S. L. Holloway and G. Valentine (eds.): Children’s geographies. London: Routledge. Hunter, I. 1996. Assembling the school, i A. Barry, T. Osborne, N. Rose (eds.): Foucault and political reason. London: UCL Press. Jørgensen, M. W. og L. Phillips. 1999. Diskursanalyse som teori og metode. Roskilde Fredriksberg: Universitetsforlag/Samfundslitteratur. Markus, T. A. 1993. Buildings and Power. Freedom and control in the origin of modern building types. London: Routledge. Murdoch, J. 2006. Post-structuralist geography. London: Sage Publications. Nordin-Hultman, E. 2004. Pedagogiska miljöer och barns subjektskapande. Stockholm: Liber. Olssen, Mark, Codd, John and O’Neill, Anne-Marie 2004. Education Policy: Globalisation, Citizenship and Democracy. Sage Publications. London Pellegrini, A.D. 1995. School recess and playground behaviour: educational and developmental roles. Albany: State University of New York Press. Rabinow, P. 1991. Space, Knowledge, and Power, i P. Rabinow (Ed.): The Foucault Reader. London: Penguin Books. Soya, E.W. 1989. Postmodern geographies – The reassertion of space in critical social theory. London: Verso Struever, Nancy S. 1985. Historical discourse. I: van Dijk, Teun A. (ed.) (1985): Handbook of discourse analysis. Volume 1: Disciplines of discourse. Academic Press Inc. London Thomson, S. 2005. Just another classroom? Observations of primary school playgrounds, i P. Vertinsky and J.Bale (eds.): Sites of sport – space, place, experience. London: Routledge. Ulleberg, H. P. 2006. Et vidløftig sted: en analyse og diskusjon av skolegården som et sted for pedagogisk virksomhet. Doktoravhandlinger ved NTNU 2006:172. Trondheim: Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap og teknologiledelse, Pedagogisk institutt. UFD (Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet) (2004). St.meld. nr. 30 (2003-2004): Kultur for læring. Tilråding fra Utdannings- og forskningsdepartementet av 2. april 2004. Oslo Utdanningsdirektoratet. 2005. Hva er et godt uteområde?. Rådgivningstjenesten for skoleanlegg. Wetherell, M., Taylor, S. and Yates, S. J. (eds.)2004. Discourse theory and practice. A reader. Sage publications. London Windschuttle, Keith 1996. The killing of history. How a discipline is being murdered by literary critics and social theorists. Macleay Press. Paddington Zieleniec, A. 2007. Space and social theory. London: Sage Publications.
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