Session Information
17 SES 07 A, Educational Time/ Teacher Professional and Training (Part 1)
Paper Session. Continued in 17 SES 11
Expected Outcomes
Bourdieu, P. (1990). In other words: Essays towards a reflexive sociology. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Brenner, N. (1999). Beyond state-centrism? Space, territoriality, and geographical scale in globalization studies. Theory and Society, 28(1), 39-78. Burchell, G., Gordon, C., & Miller, P. (Eds.). (1991). The Foucault Effect: Studies in governmentality. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Collins, J. (1993). Determination and contradiction: An appreciation and critique of the work of Pierre Bourdieu on language and education. In C. Calhoun, E. LiPuma & M. Postone (Eds.), Bourdieu: Critical perspectives (pp. 116-138). Cambridge: Polity Press. Crang, P., Dwyer, C. & Jackson, P. (2003). Transnationalism and the spaces of commodity culture. Progress in Human Geography, 27(4), 438-456. Foucault, M. (1976). History of Sexuality vol. 1, trans R. Hurley. London: Allen Lane. Foucault, M. (1977. Discipline and Punish: The birth of the prison, trans A. Sheridan. London: Allen Lane. Gasparini, F. & Vick, M. (2008). Place (material, metaphorical, symbolic) in education history: the Townsville College of Advanced Education Library Resource Centre, 1974-1981. History of Education, 37(1), 141-162. Geyer, M. & Bright, C. (1995). World History in a Global Age. The American Historical Review, 100(4), 1034-1060. Gordon, C. (1980). Power/Knowledge. Selected interviews and other writings 1972-1977. Brighton, Sussex: Harvester. Hoogvelt, A.M.M. (2001). Globalisation and the postcolonial world: the new political economy of development. Basingstoke: Palgrave. Hunter, I. (1988). Culture and Government. London: Macmillan. Hunter, I. (1994). Rethinking the School. Sydney: Allen & Unwin. Kostogriz, A.P. (2006). Putting ‘space’ on the agenda of sociocultural research. Mind, Culture and Activity, 1(3), 173-190. Lane, J. (2000). Pierre Bourdieu: A critical introduction. London: Pluto Press. Martin, K. (2008). Please Knock Before You Enter: Aboriginal regulation of outsiders and the implications for researchers. Brisbane: Post Pressed. Pickles, J. (1999). Social and cultural cartographies and the spatial turn in social theory. Journal of Historical Geography, 25(1), 93-98. Postone, M., LiPuma, E. & Calhoun, C. (1993). Introduction: Bourdieu and social theory. In C. Calhoun, E. LiPuma & M. Postone (Eds.), Bourdieu: Critical perspectives (pp. 1-13). Cambridge: Polity Press. Sassen, S. (2001). Spatialities and temporalities of the global: elements for a theorization. In A. Appadurai (ed). Globalisation (pp. 215-232). Durham: Duke University Press. Trimingham-Jack, C. (2002). Reproducing an English sensibility: landscape and schooling in the southern highlands of New South Wales, 1944-1965. History of Education Review, 31(2), 1-15. Vick, M. (2008). Imagine (like) this: the work the representation of teachers’ work does. In Teacher Educators at Work: what works and where is the evidence? Papers from the 2008 ATEA Conference, Sunshine Coast, 8-11 July 2008. Vick, M. & Halbert, K. (2008). ‘Home and away’: Constructions of ‘people’ and ‘place’ in the world in history curricula in Australia, 1850-2000. Bildung und Erziehung, 61(1), 53-72. Vick, M. (2007). Australian teacher education 1900-1950: conspicuous and inconspicuous international networks. Paedagogica Historica, 43(2), 245-255. Vick, M. (2006a). Texts and contexts: international sources and universalistic discourse in Australian teacher education 1900-1950. Australian Journal of Teacher Education, 31(1), 12-18. Vick, M. (2006b). “It’s a difficult matter”: historical perspectives on the enduring problem of the practicum in teacher preparation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Teacher Education, 34(2), 181-198.
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