Session Information
17 SES 11, Teacher Professional and Training (Part 2) / Presentation of the Vienna Schoolbook and School Reports Collection
Paper Session. Continued from 17 SES 07 A
Expected Outcomes
BEIJAARD, D., MEIJER, P. C., VERLOOP, N. 2004. Reconsidering Research on Teachers’ Professional Identity. In Teaching and Teacher Education [online]. 2004, roč. 20, č. 2, s. 107 – 128. [cit. 2009-09-01]. CAMERON, M. 2003. Teacher Status Project : Stage 1 Research: Identifying Teacher Status, Its Impact and Recent Teacher Status Initiatives. Prepared for the New Zealand Ministry of Education and New Zealand Teachers Council. [online]. Wellington : Research Division, Wähanga Mahi Rangahau, 2003. [cit. 2008-11-09]. CARLGREN, I., KLETTE, K. 2008. Reconstructions of Nordic Teachers: Reform Policies and Teachers' Work during the 1990s. In Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research [online]. 2008, roč. 52, č. 2, s. 117 – 133. DOBLHAMER, M. et al. 2000. LehrerIn 2000 - Arbeitszeit, Zufriedenheit, Beanspruchungen und Gesundheit der LehrerInnen in Österreich. Wien : SORA Institute for Social Research and Analysis, 2002. ELKLIT, A., FRIIS, T. 1979. The Working Situation of Elementary School Teachers Explored Through Diaries.In Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research [online]. 1979, roč. 23, č. 2, s. 65 – 77. GALTON, M., MacBEATH, J. et al. 2002. A Life in Teaching? The Impact of Change on Primary Teachers’ Working Life. A Report Commissioned by the National Union of Teachers Concerning Workloads in Primary Schools. Cambridge : Cambridge University, Faculty of Education, 2002. GOODSON, I. 1994. Studying the Teachers’ Life and Work.In Teaching and Teacher Education, 1994, roč. 10, č. 1, s. 29 - 37. HANES, P. Christianity in the Post-Marxist Context. In European Journal of Theology, 2008, roč. 42, č.1, s. 29-38. ISSN 0960-2720. HANESOVÁ, D. Výskumy o učiteľoch a profesionalizácii učiteľského povolania. Bibliografia. (Researches about teachers and professionalization of teachers profession: A Selected Bibliography). In: Profesia "učiteľa preprimárnej edukácie a učiteľ primárnej edukácie" v dynamickom poňatí. (Proceedings from a conference in 2008). Banska Bystrica : PF UMB, 2009 (in print). HARGREAVES, A. 1994. Changing Teachers, Changing Times: Teachers’ Work and Culture in the Postmodern World. London : Cassell, 1994. HARGREAVES, A. 2000. Four Ages of Professionalism and Professional Learning.In Teachers and Teaching: History and Practice, 2000, roč. 6, č. 2, s. 151 – 182. HARGREAVES, L., CUNNINGHAM, M., HANSEN, A., McINTYRE, D., OLIVER, C., PELL, T. 2007. The Status of Teachers and the Teaching Profession in England: Views from Inside and Outside the Profession. Final Report of the Teacher Status Project. Research report No. 831A. [online]. Cambridge : University of Cambridge, 2007. LANDERT, CH. 2006. Die Arbeitszeit der Lehrpersonen in der Deutschschweiz, Ergebnisse einer einjährigen Erhebung bei 2500 Lehrerinnen und Lehrern verschiedener Schulstufen und Kantone.Zürich : Landert Farago partner, 2006. 55 s KASÁČOVÁ, B. 2002a. Učiteľ. Profesia a príprava. Banská Bystrica : PF UMB, 2002. ISBN 80–8055–702–0. KASAČOVÁ, B. 2002b. Príprava učiteľa a jeho úlohy v kontexte zmien spoločnosti. Peda-gogické rozhľady, r. 11. 2002, č. 2, s. 8–11. ISSN 1335–0404. KASÁČOVÁ, B. 2004. Učiteľská profesia v trendoch teórie a praxe. Prešov : Metodicko-pedagogické centrum, 2004. KOSOVÁ, B.: Perspektívy učiteľského vzdelávania – východiská, paradigmy a spoločenské výzvy. In: História, súčasnosť a perspektívy učiteľského vzdelávania. Banská Bystrica: PF UMB 2005, s. 24 – 30. ISBN 80-8083-107-6 KOSOVÁ, B.: The perspectives of university teacher training – bases, paradigms and societall challenges. The New Educational Review, vol. 4, 2004, č. 3 - 4, s. 39 - 55. ISSN 1732 – 6729 KOSOVÁ, B.: The perspectives of university teacher training – bases, paradigms and societall challenges. The New Educational Review, vol. 4, 2004, č. 3 - 4, s. 39 - 55. ISSN 1732 – 6729 MALONEY, C. BARBLETT, L. 2008. Redefining the Early Childhood Profession: Bridging the Great Divide. Symposium 19 Revisioning the early childhood profession. [online]. Perth : Edith Cowan University; AARE, 2008. POSCH, P. 2004. Educational Innovations and Implications for the Teaching Force: The Case of Austria. (Edukačné inovácie a ich implikácie pre učiteľov: prípad Rakúska.) In Research Papers in Education [online]. 2004, roč.19, č. 1, s. 87 – 104. WEBB, R., VULLIAMY, G., HÄMÄLÄINEN, S., SARJA, A., KIMONEN, E., NEVALAINEN, R. 2004. A Comparative Analysis of Primary Teacher Professionalism in England and Finland. In Comparative Education, 2004, roč. 40, č., s. 83 – 107.
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