Session Information
Expected Outcomes
Peter van der Hijden Peter van der Hijden has joined the European Commission in 1991and has worked mainly in the field of higher education at DG Education and Culture. He has contributed to the development of the Erasmus programme and represented the Commission in the Bologna Follow-Up Group. His dossiers included the modernisation of universities (Lisbon Strategy), recognition of degrees (ENIC-NARIC), credits (ECTS), quality assurance (ENQA), Qualifications Frameworks (Bologna, EQF, Tuning) and the development of transparency instruments (University Data Collection, Classification and Ranking). On 1 March 2009, he moved to DG Research, Unit Universities and Researchers, to deal with the implementation of the European Partnership for Researchers: better careers and more mobility. Before joining the European Commission, Peter worked for ten years as University Administrator at Maastricht University in the Netherlands, where he graduated in Law in 1986. Prof. Michael Schratz Michael Schratz is Dean of the Faculty of Education at Innsbruck University. He is the Austrian representative of ENTEP (European Network of Teacher Education Policies) and of the EU Expert Group on Teacher and Trainer Education. He is Chair of working groups in professionalisation nationally and internationally. Publications include Self-Evaluation in European Schools: "A Story of Change" (Routledge) with John MacBeath, Denis Meuret, Lars Jabkobsen, and "Research as Social Change" (Routledge) with Rob Walker Prof. Jane Kenway Jane Kenway is Associate Dean/Research, Monash University, Australia. She is recognized internationally for her research expertise on the politics of educational change in the context of wider social, cultural and political change. Her more recent jointly written books are Haunting the Knowledge Economy (Routledge 2006), Masculinity Beyond the Metropolis (Palgrave, 2006), and Consuming Children; Education-Advertising-Entertainment (Open University Press, 2001). Her more recent jointly edited books are Globalising the Research Imagination ( Routledge, 2008), and Globalising public education: policies, pedagogies and politics, (Peter Lang, 2005)
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