Session Information
32 SES 08 B, Transition in Organizations (Workplace and Training System)
Paper Session
The research project “LOEB” (project-time from March 2014 to February 2017) is connecting Educational Science and Organisational Science - funded by the Hans Böckler Foundation - and in line with the project “PAELL” (Professional Educational Work in the System of Lifelong Learning, 2014, funded by German Research Foundation). It is a joint initiative of the Institute for Social Education and Adult Education (GU Frankfurt/Main) and the Institute for General Education and Educational Research (LMU Munich). The concept of lifelong learning in the educational discourse emphasizes the unity of the educational system and the training system and highlights the close relationship between professional biography and individual life course. The findings of the previous study PAELL have shown that the anchoring of lifelong learning in the professional knowledge of practitioners in the various fields of the educational and training system is partly problematic and not yet complete. However, organizational requirements and specifications turned out to be trend-setting.
The state of the realization of empirical educational research on lifelong learning can be described as highly incomplete, even as underdeveloped: Thus, the strategically important question how far the educational system’s organizations realize their central role in the processing of lifelong learning in their institutional self-descriptions, isn’t examined in any single study. Although there is a vast body of literature on lifelong learning, these publications are highly programmatic, often influenced by education policy or time diagnostic – but not empirically oriented. There are not enough studies of lifelong learning, which has considered both: the side of the professional culture as well as the side of the organization. Durkheim's theorem of division of labor and the neo-institutionalism can serve as theoretical anchor points.
The aim of the project is to raise awareness among members of selected groups of educational professionals in dealing with the concept of lifelong learning. The purpose is to see the actual anchoring of lifelong learning in the organizations of the educational system and training system because we should be able to investigate the degree of the implementation of lifelong learning beyond the professional self-descriptions of educational workers (educators in early childhood, teachers, vocational instructors, social workers, professionals in adult and further education). Also, knowledge, which is helpful to optimize the culture of cooperation, to strengthen the institutionalization and to realize and concretize programs of lifelong learning shall be identified. The research project is focusing the following leading questions: How widespread is the unifying concept of lifelong learning in the organizations of the early childhood sector, primary school, lower and upper secondary level, adult education/training, social work/social education and higher education? Is lifelong learning anchored here in a similarly one-sided manner as in the corresponding professional cultures? Which quantifiable and objectified efforts do organizations make at the level of advanced training courses on the subject of lifelong learning? Which creative potentials can be identified in the professional knowledge of practical working pedagogues/educators that can help to overcome the status quo of the "pillarization" of the educational system and of the general tendency of dysfunctional segmentation between the professional cultures?
Expected Outcomes
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