Session Information
02 SES 02 B, VET Teachers Initial Education and Training
Paper Session
There is little information about learning between plumbers, apprentices and vocational teachers on the building site, in training establishments and apprenticeship firms. Roughly, 50% of Norwegian adolescents choose vocational education at the age of 16. Despite this fact, most pedagogical research focuses on primary school and general studies. There is especially little understanding of the learning in communities of practice in the field of building and construction such as plumbing.
In Norway, every young person between the ages of 16-19 has a right to go to upper secondary school. Nine vocational programs qualify for different fields of vocation. Mainstream vocational education is based on two years in school and two years of apprenticeship in a firm.
All over Europe, the numbers of young drop out students in VET are too high. In Norway as well as in other European countries, recent research point to a considerable lack of coherence between educational content and the need for qualifications in actual vocations. The situation relates to a lack of coherence between learning in vocational school and learning in the workplace and between practical and theoretical aspects of the curriculum (Hiim 1989, 1993, 2010).
This situation raises many challenges and a possible reason for high dropout numbers in Norway is that broad education-programs conceals and delays the student’s own vocational plans (Høst, Seland & Skålholt 2013). A mismatch between the school’s focus on basic skills and vocational orientation, and VET-student’s need for vocational learning leads to an absence of vocational role models and lack of vocational cultural environment where students are able to create social belonging, social skills and crafts identity (Alvin Lensjø 2011).
While 39% of the VET-students complete their education, 80 % of the apprentices in training establishments and apprentices firms complete their apprenticeship and pass their craft certificate on time (Utdanningsdirektoratet 2015; Barne, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet 2015). The numbers indicate that when students have started their two years of apprenticeship, their chances for completing their vocational education increases dramatically. To be able to improve Vocational Education in school, we need to know more about learning through participation in the world of work.
The purpose of this Ph.D. -study is to explore structures for learning between participants in communities of plumbing practice at the building site and in training establishments. In this presentation, I concentrate on the importance of social belonging and participation for young apprentices in communities of practice. The research question for the presentation of this part of my Ph.D. - project is:
In what ways do social interactions in communities of practice at the building site affect learning and training in plumbing?
One aim in my Ph.D. -work is to develop more knowledge about learning through apprenticeship. The theoretical framework is based on pragmatic and social constructivist theories of learning. I have studied how apprentices in plumbing gradually learn social and professional skills, attitudes and motivation from older colleagues at the building site, in training establishments and apprenticeship firms (Dreyfus & Dreyfus 1991). I am looking for core qualities in communities of practice (Lave & Wenger 1991; Wenger 1998). I will study how interaction and social behavior at the building site determines changes and new beliefs about cultural codes, self and attitudes (Illeris 2006; Nielsen & Kvale 1999). Inspired by Schön (2009), I think that trying to understand participants’ reflections in and on actions in concrete work and learning situations is essential in this study. I also focus’ on how apprentices search for role models among colleagues, based on the competence and skills they admire and would like to have (Lave & Wenger 1991; Wenger 1998).
Expected Outcomes
Alvesson, M. og Sköldberg, K. 2011. Tolkning och reflektion. Lund: Studentlitteratur AB. Alvin, L.M. 2011. En masteroppgave om hvordan struktur og styringsdokumenter i Kunnskapsløftet påvirker gjennomføringen og innholdet i rørleggerutdanningen. Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus. Angrosino, M.V. og Mays de Pèrez K.A. 2000. Rethinking observation from Method to Context. I Denzin N.K. og Lincoln Y.S. (Red). Handbook of Qualitative Research. (s.673-702) (2.utgave) USA:Sage. Barne, ungdoms- og familiedirektoratet. 2015. Hentet 2016 fra: Charmaz, K. 2006. Constructing Grounded Theory. (2. utgave) London: Sage. Creswell, J.W. 2013. Qualitative Inquiry & Research Design. (3. utgave) USA: Sage. Dreyfus, H.L., Dreyfus, S.E. 1986, 1991. Intuitiv ekspertise. Den bristede drøm om tænkende maskiner. (Mind over Machine) Danmark: Munksgaard. Glaser, B.G. & Strauss, A.L. 1967. The discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative research. New Brunswick: Aldine Transaction. Hammersley M. & Atkinson P. 1998. Feltmetodikk. Oslo: Ad Notam Gyldendal A/S. Hiim, H. 2010. Pedagogisk aksjonsforskning. Oslo; Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS. Hiim, H., Hippe, E. 1989. Undervisningsplanlegging for yrkesfaglærere. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS. Hiim, H., Hippe, E. 1993. Læring gjennom opplevelse, forståelse og handling. Oslo: Gyldendal Norsk Forlag AS. Høst, H., Seland, I. & Skålholt A. 2013. Yrkesfagelevers ulike tilpasninger til fagopplæring. Rapport 16/2013. Nifu Illeris, K. 2006. Læring. Fredriksberg: Roskilde Universitetsforlag Johansson, A. 2005. Narrativ teori och metod: med livsberättelsen i fokus. Lund: Studentlieeratur AB Kvale, S. 2001. Det kvalitative forskningsintervju. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk. Lave, J., Wenger. E. 1991, 2003. Situeret læring – og andre tekster. København: Hans Reitzels Forlag. Nielsen, K., Kvale, S. 1999. Mesterlære. Læring som sosial praksis. Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk Patton M.Q. 2002. Qualitative Research & Evaluation Methods. 3rd ed. USA: Sage Publications, Inc. Schön, D.A. 2009. Den reflekterende praktiker. Århus: Forlaget Klim. Utdanningsdirektoratet 2015. Utdanningsspeilet. Wadel, C. 1991. Feltarbeid i egen kultur. Flekkefjord: SEEK A/S. Wenger E. 1998 Praksisfællesskaper. Læring, mening og identitet. UK: Cambridge University Press
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