Session Information
02 SES 02 A, Reflections on VET: Looking to the Future
Paper Session
The French VET (Vocational Education and Training) system contains several work-based and apprenticeship-type training programmes. However, there are dominantly two main and well established apprenticeship-type schemes integrating within the French work-based alternating training system (formantion en alternance): apprenticeship and professionalisation contracts. Both are employment contracts signed between the employer and the employed trainee (Arrighi & Mora, 2010a, 2010b; Monteil, 2014; Boudesseul, Cart, Couppié,Giret, Lemistre, Toutin & Werquin, 2014).
The apprenticeship contract scheme constitutes the second main component of the IVET (Initial Vocational education and Training) system after the school-based IVET. Its main aim is to facilitate the transition of young people from school to work by allowing those aged from 16 to 26 years (and over for handicapped people) to obtain certification-based vocational qualifications within the IVET system, through an alternation between on-the-job training (60% to 75% of the contractual time) and an apprenticeship training centre (CFA-Centre de Formation d'Apprentis) (Brochie & Romani, 2015; Arrighi & Ilardi , 2013; Bourdon, Guégnard & Michot, 2012; Steedmann, 2010).
Integrating within the CVT (Continuing Vocational Training) system, the “professionalisation contract” scheme is also a dual system based on alternation between on-the-job training (75% to 85% of the contractual time) and in-house training for the remaining time. It targets the professional integration or re-integration within the labour market of both young and older people (including long duration unemployed job-seekers and other disadvantaged individuals) by allowing them to have access to workplace learning and certification-based vocational qualifications (Pesonel, 2015; Costenoble & Toutin, 2012; European Commission, 2012).
This paper deals with the development and the inclusive performance of apprenticeship-type schemes within the French vocational alternating training system. It is an analytical investigation into the legal and institutional evolution, the training organisation and methods, the inclusive performance and the perspectives for future development of the two main components of the French work-based alternating training system: “apprenticeship contract” and “professionalisation contract” schemes.
Expected Outcomes
- ARRIGHI, J.-J. & ILARDI, V. (2013): “Évolutions de l'apprentissage : entre mutations structurelles et effets régionaux”, Bref, n° 314, 2013. -ARRIGHI, J.-J. & MORA, V., (2010a): “Apprentissage contre professionnalisation : un faux débat”, Bref, n° 276 , juillet-août 2010. -ARRIGHI, J.-J. & MORA, V., (2010b): “Contrats de professionnalisation et d'apprentissage : des usages diversifiés. Esquisse d'une cartographie des formations en alternance”, Net.Doc, n° 66 , août 2010. -BOURDON, J., GUÉGNARD, C., MICHOT, C. (2012): “Sécuriser les parcours des apprentis”, Bref, n° 301, 2012. -BROCHIER, D. & ROMANI, C. (2015): “40 ans d'apprentissage à l’éducation nationale”,Bref, n° 333, 2015 . -BOUDESSEUL, G., CART, B., COUPPIÉ, TH., GIRET, J.-F., LEMISTRE, PH., TOUTIN,M.-H.; WERQUIN, P., (Ed.) (2015): “Alternance et professionnalisation: des atouts pour les parcours des jeunes et les carrières ?”,Relief, n° 50, 2015. -CART, B. & TOUTIN-TRELCAT, M.-H. (2010): “Apprenticeship contracts: why they are breached?” Training & Employment, n° 89, October-November 2010, pp.1-4. - CEDEFOP (2014): “VET in Europe – Country Report: France”, 2014, CEDEFOP, REFERNET-France. - CEREQ (2010): “Enquête 2010 sur l’Insertion des Jeunes sortant de la Formation initiale en 2010”, Enquête Céreq 2010 auprès de Génération 2007, mars – juillet 2010. - CENTRE INFFO (2014): “Dispositifs d’apprentissage et apprentissages sur le lieu de travail: France”, Centre Inffo, Refer-Net, France, 2014. -COSTENOBLE, O. & TOUTIN, M.-H., (2012): “Pourquoi les entreprises recourent-elles au contrat de professionnalisation ? ”, Enquête qualitative auprès des OPCA en Nord-Pas de Calais, OREF Nord-Pas de Calais. - PESONEL, E. (2015): “Le contrat de professionalisation en 2014 : Reprise des embauches dans le tertiaire et l’industrie ”, Dares Analyse n° 080, octobre 2015, publication de la Direction de la Recherche, des Études et des Statistiques. - PESONEL, E. & MESNARD, O. (2015): “L'apprentissage en 2014: une moindre baisse qu'en 2013 ”, DARES Analyse n° 057, juillet 2015, publication de la Direction de la Recherche, des Études et des Statistiques. - DGEFP (2015): ‘Le contrat de professionalisation”, Délégation générale à l'Emploi et à la Formation Professionnelle (DGEFP) du Ministère du Travail, de l'Emploi, de la Formation professionnelle et du Dialogue social, 2015. - EUROPEAN COMMISSION (2012): “Study on a Comprehensive Overview on Traineeship Arrangements in Member States: Final Report”, DG for Social Affairs and Inclusion (Unit C3), Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2012. - EURYDICE (2010): “Organisation du système éducatif en France : 2009-2010”, EACEA, European Commission. -MONTEIL, J.-M. (2014): “L'alternance dans l'éducation”, Étude du Conseil Économique, Social et Environnemental, Mars 2014. - STEEDMANN, H. (2010): “The State of Apprenticeship in 2011- International comparisons: Autralia, Austria, England, France, Germany, Ireland Sweden and Switzerland”, A Report for the Apprenticeship Ambassadors Network, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE, UK.
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