Session Information
Implementing school-social-work as social-pedagogy in primary schools is an important topic of German school development. School-social-work is scientifically described as a supporting force to guarantee pupil’s educational success and to face the (re)production of social inequality in and through schools (Speck 2013). Concerning school-development processes, social-pedagogy at schools is looking for ways to create a pedagogical framework to rise up solidarity and justice at schools by counselling pupils, parents and teachers, for organising settings of non-formal learning as well as to improve social-learning and for giving case-work advice to the youth-welfare system. From a scientific perspective the implementation of school-social-work is described as the possibility to change pedagogical practice at schools.
Especially the conceptualization of the pedagogical framework at German primary schools is discussed as changing from teachers ‘general competency’ (‘Allzuständigkeit’) to a pedagogical practice of multi-professional teams (Reh/Breuer 2012) to fulfill the agenda of inclusion and to practice a relationship between teachers working side-by-side with school-social-workers to diminish the selectivity and segregation of German primary schools (Biermann/Powell 2014). The ideas of social pedagogical ‘support’ (theories and methods) is thought to have transitional impacts on teachers disciplinary and professional concepts influencing their pedagogical practice.
This is astonishing, as in German educational sciences problems that rise in pedagogical practice and how they are worked on were distinguished as pedagogical problems and problems, which origins are located outside the pedagogical ‘frame’ and responsibility. The scientific knowledge therefore offers theoretical reasons of divisions within the discipline of educational sciences as well as a division ’in praxi’ that legitimize for example different pedagogical professions with different working focusses (e.g. Schäfer 1982).
In addition to pedagogical conceptualizations, some research perspectives on school-development point out from educational governance approaches that governmental guidelines and laws frame the pedagogical practice and how it is perceived (Altrichter/Maag Merki, 2010; Heinrich 2007).
In this paper we focus on teachers and school leaders perceptions and expectations of the implementation of school-social-work at primary schools and look for consequences in school-development processes. Our research is led by four questions:
1) What do teachers and school leaders expect from an implementation of school-social-work?
2) How do they perceive the professionality of school-social-work?
3) Is there a transition in the professional self-concept of teachers before starting to work in cooperation with social-pedagogy colleagues.
4) How do teacher accept the municipal concept for inclusive education, which designates school-social-work to advice and support teachers.
On the background of the theoretical perception of pedagogical practice and the high selectivity of German primary schools, this paper presents ideas, which can be discussed on a general level, regarding two aspects:
1) Possible hints to create a more ‘inclusive’ pedagogical practice – minimizing discrimination and maximizing social participation - that is not only bound to the ideas of social justice and equality, but living it.
2) Possible hints to generate knowledge in educational sciences to frame such a cooperative and collaborative practice in schools.
Expected Outcomes
Altrichter, H./ Maag Merki, K. (ed.) (2010). Handbuch Neue Steuerung im Schulsystem. Wiesbaden: VS. Biermann, J./Powell, J. J. W. (2014). Institutionelle Dimensionen inklusiver Schulbildung - Herausforderungen der UN-Behindertenrechtskonvention für Deutschland, Island und Schweden im Vergleich. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, (17), 679-700. doi:DOI 10.1007/s11618-014-0588-0 Bonsen, M./Berkemeyer, N. (2011). Lehrerinnen und Lehrer in Schulentwicklungsprozessen. In Terhart, E./Bennewitz, H./Rothland, M. (Hrg.), Handbuch der Forschung zum Lehrerberuf. (S. 731-747). Münster: Waxmann. de Boer, H./Spies, A. (2014). Kooperationssettings Kooperationssettings im Kontext inklusiver Grundschulentwicklungsprozesse. In Lichtblau, M./Blömer, D./Jüttner, A.-K./Koch, K./Krüger, M./Werning, R. (Hrg.), Forschung zu inklusiver Bildung. Gemeinsam anders lehrern und lernen (S. 186-198). Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt. Heinrich, M. (2007). Governance in der Schulentwicklung. Von der Autonomie zur evaluationsbasierten Steuerung. Wiesbaden: VS. Mayring, P. (2015). Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse : Grundlagen und Techniken (12., überarb. Aufl. ed.). Weinheim [u.a.]: Weinheim [u.a.] : Beltz. Reh, S./Breuer,A. (2012). Positionierungen in interprofessionellen Teams – Kooperationspraktiken an Ganztagsschulen. In: Huber, Stephan/Ahlgrimm, Frederik (Hrsg.): Kooperation. Aktuelle Forschung zur Kooperation in und zwischen Schulen sowie mit anderen Partnern. Münster u. a.: Waxmann, S. 185-201. Schäfer, A. (1982). Disziplin als pädagogishces Problem. Essen: Neue deutsche Schule. Speck, K. (2013). Bildungsreform und Sozialarbeit. Eine Analyse der Reformerwartungen und -potenziale von Schulsozialarbeit aus historischer, empirirscher und förderpolitischer Perspektive. In Spies, A./Pötter, N. (Hrg.), Schulsozialarbeit in der Bildungslandschaft. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Reformpotenzials. (S. 21 - 45). Wiesbaden: VS. Witzel, A. (2000). Das problemzentrierte Interview. Forum: Qualitative Sozialforschung, 1(1), o.A.
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