Session Information
28 SES 10 A, Educational Choices and Market Orientation
Paper Session
From a worldwide perspective, growth and differentiation of international school models can be observed especially in economically strong regions and urban metropolises. From a global viewpoint, transformation tendencies can be found in relation to the development of the student body of these institutions and the strategies of school choice, which also has an impact on the educational concepts and forms of these school models. Besides the globally mobile families – Ball and Nikita (2014: 82) speak of a “global middle class” – international schools are increasingly chosen by non-mobile middle-class families resident in the respective countries (e.g., Hayden, 2011; Keßler et al., 2015). Simultaneously, a general development tendency can be noted from a stronger normatively oriented concept of education aimed at promoting an intercultural dialogue contributing to a better international peace and understanding towards a pragmatic oriented understanding of international education, in the context of increasing globalisation and marketisation (Vieira, 2003; Hayden, 2011; Schippling, 2016).
In Portugal, international school forms already have a long tradition and are mainly concentrated in the Greater Lisbon area. New international schools have been founded since the 1990s, for example the CLIP – Oporto International School in Portugal and Oeiras International School (OIS) in Greater Lisbon. Although the international dimension and the attendance of an international college play a key role in the elite formation in Portugal, there are only a few very isolated studies in this research field (Vieira, 2003; Cortesão et al., 2007; Macedo, 2009).
The contribution presents the first research results of a study about the field of international schools in Lisbon (1). On the one hand, a general overview will be provided of the field of international schools in the Greater Lisbon area, which includes an analysis of the different models of international schools and their forms of organisation, curricula and educational qualifications; it also refers to the historical context of these institutions and examines their entrance conditions and procedures. On the other, the results will be presented of an analysis of the school programs and their related concepts of education, which characterise the respective institutions.
From a theoretic perspective, the project, which aims primarily at analysing the institutional identity of international schools in Greater Lisbon, is based firstly on elements of the theory of habitus and the field of Pierre Bourdieu (e.g., Bourdieu, 1989), which can be developed during the research process such as, for example, the concept of habitus in an institutional dimension (e.g., Reay, 1998; Schippling & Allouch, 2015). The study also gains impetus from transnationalisation research, which up to now has rarely been applied in the area of school research (Krüger et al., 2015: 82). An example is the concept of “transnational spaces of education” (Adick, 2005; Hayden, 2011), which represents another theoretical reference of the study.
In general, the study aims on the one hand at generating new insights into the field of elite education in Portugal with a special focus on the dimension of inter-/transnational education; on the other, at developing comparative perspectives in relation to the formation of elites in other European countries.
(1) The contribution is based on a research project entitled “The internationalisation of the elite formation in Portugal. A qualitative study on international schools in Greater Lisbon” (CIES-IUL, Lisbon; Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg) and funded by the Foundation of Science and Technology (FCT).
Expected Outcomes
Adick, C. (2005). Transnationalisierung als Herausforderung für die International und Interkulturell Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft. Tertium Comparationis. Journal für International und Interkulturell Vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaft, 11(2), 243-269. Ball, S., & Nikita, D. (2014). The global middle class and school choice: A cosmopolitan sociology. Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft, 17(3), 81–93. Bohnsack, R. (2009). Qualitative Bild- und Videointerpretation. Die dokumentarische Methode. Opladen/Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich. Bohnsack, R. (2010). Rekonstruktive Sozialforschung. Einführung in qualitative Methoden. Opladen/Farmington Hills: Barbara Budrich. Bourdieu, P. (1989). La noblesse d'état. Paris: Éditions de Minuit. Cortesão, L. (org.), Stoer, S., Magalhães, A., Antunes, F., Nunes, R., Macedo, E., Sá Costa, A., & Araújo, D. (2007). Na girândola de significados. Polissemia de excelências em escolas portuguesas do século XXI. Porto: Livpsic. EURAXESS (2016). Escolas estrangeiras em Portugal. Retrieved January 12, 2016, from Forsey, M., Breidenstein, G., Krüger, O., & Roch, A. (2015). Ethnography at a distance: globally mobile parents choosing international schools. International Journal of qualitative studies in education, 28(9), 1112-1128. Hayden, M. (2011). Transnational spaces of education: the growth of the international school sector. Globalisation, societies and education, 9(2), 211-224. Keßler, C., Krüger, H.-H., Schippling, A., & Otto, A. (2015). Envisioning world citizens? Self-presentations of an international school in Germany and related orientations of its pupils. Journal of research in international education, 14(2), 114-126. Krüger, H.-H., Keßler, C., Schippling, A., & Otto, A. (2015). Internationale Schulen in Deutschland. Schulprogrammtische Ansprüche und biographische Orientierungen von Jugendlichen. In M. Kraul (Ed.), Private Schulen (pp. 79-97). Wiesbaden: Springer VS. Macedo, E. (2009). Cidadania em confronto. Educação de jovens elites em tempo de globalização. Porto: CIIE/Livpsic. Nohl, A.-M. (2012). Interview und dokumentarische Methode ? Anleitungen für die Forschungspraxis. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Reay, D. (1998). ’Always knowing’ and ‘never being sure’ - Familial and institutional habituses and higher education choice. Journal of Education Policy, 13(4), 519–529. Schippling, A. (2016). The global landscape of international schools. Development tendencies and research perspectives. Paper presented on the 1. International Conference SPCE – SEC “Comparative Education beyond the numbers. Local contexts, national realities and transnational processes”, Lisbon, 25/01-27/01/2016. Schippling, A., & Allouch, A. (2015). Zur Transformation der Aufnahmeverfahren an den grandes écoles. Französische Elitehochschulen zwischen Initiativen einer ouverture sociale und der Herausforderung der Internationalisierung, Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, 61, 58–74. Vieira, M. M. (2003). Educar herdeiros. Práticas educativas da classe dominante lisboeta nas últimas décadas. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
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