Session Information
15 SES 08, Case Study (Part 3)
Paper Session continued from 15 SES 07
Three main goals of our research
The first goal is to work with plural actors, practitioners, inspectors and researchers, in a climate of trust and respect to share their competences.The second goal is to ensure that the joint work of the actors will show the " hidden knowledge and the experience of the people, in situation of cooperation, and change the practices of all actors.The third objective is to help teachers to the formalization of professional knowledge by facilitating access to spaces of theory and practices, such as those proposed by Marguerite Altet (1996).Goal 3 means so layout research of the teacher as a reflective practitioner, reflecting on his practice, teaching the fact usually, but get in research requires other skills of analysis than to wonder about what we do or we did.The partnership established in the GRaC must be considered as a device (Desgagné, 2001) collaborative research between researchers and actors in the field (Schon, 1987) associated with a common project.
Two main hypothesis
The first is based on the idea that working in partnership produces effects in the field of the personal and professional development of actors). The second hypothesis argues that the partnership has an impact on the field of cognitive, emotional (Sousa, 1998 - Imel, 2007) and the professional dimensions (Naville, 1956) of actors partners in a collaborative approach and leads to the development of new skills.
Hypothesis that targeting the personal development
When we ask the question: 'what skills the partnership enhances in the field of professional development for actors?', we refer to the European context of expectations. One of the improved of our observation skills is the responsibility of entrepreneurship, a key skill in competence, encouraged by the European Commission. The key of entrepreneurial competence refers to the ability of the individual to turn ideas into action. It includes creativity, innovation and risk-taking, as well as the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve the objectives.As part of our observation, the key to entrepreneurial skill is defined here as a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context. Key competences are those which need all individuals for their personal development (EU, 2006) and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment. In our context, key skills are those required to teachers, researchers and members of the school team to achieve quality and professional development.
The hypothesis of the impact of the partnership on the development of new competences of the actors
we thought also that the practice of partnership could be source of creative cultural enrichment with an impact in cognitive and emotional and on the professional dimension of the actors. This brings us to clarify that we revisited the notion of partnership. As Corinne Mérini (Merini, 2012) has explained several times and recently in an article published in "Cahiers teaching", the partnership is not a simple concept, it develops a large semantic field with links to the economic, social sciences and includes educational meanings. The partnership is a form of organisation that unites actors from various worlds around which is a problem in a given situation.In the case of our collaborative research, the situation of "co-working" impacted positively the status of members called actors, work colleagues, co-investigators (Desgagné, 2001). To detect the impact of the partnership on continuous training professionals, we have developed the observations in order to discover and enhance their ability to analyze a global context, to translate their actions managed in common projects and to practice new skills.
Expected Outcomes
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