Session Information
29 SES 02, Collaborative Research Practices in Arts Education
Paper Session
In the past three years the research team of the University of the Basque Country called ELKARRIKERTUZ (IT-563-13) has created a research project with a group of teachers from different levels of the education.
The research project it is called ARTikertuz (15/24) and the aim of the project is to research teaching practices through the art education. We share and reflect about the experience of the participants of the group (including the researchers from the University and the art mediators) in order to problematize the reality of the school institutions. In the first years of the project we have built a community of practice where all the members could feel as confortable as posible in order to create a space where the fears, problems or questions of these teachers could be exposed. We have shared experiences, theorical texts, artistic projects and dynamics to start a way to know each other and to understand the necessities of the group.
Since in the previous ECER meeting in Copenhagen these first steps where shown to the rest of the research community, this year we want to discuss about all the problematics that the artistic projects have lead us as a communty of practice.
We try to create a community of practice where we could offer what Wenger (1998; 2002) names as the main principles of these kind of communities: mutual engagement, a joint enterprise and a shared repertorie. We understand the mutual engagement as a way of creating relationships that go further than just being part of the group that meets once a month and discusses a topic. We try to create a bond in which our everyday life and professional practice are linked to what we learn from each others and share our mutual goals, "members of a CoP, who share their professional experiences, and are devoted to the process of professional development, constitute a mutual engagement" (Wenger). Participants negotiate the themes to be discussed in the reunions and also desing artistic projects that are shared among the community. The researchers and art mediators of the community renegotiate then these projects with the schools and follow up their proscesses. The professional development process that the community goes through, and the capacity to reflect about those experiences are the keys of our investigation.
We understand the knowlege created withing the group as a happening. When we refer to it as a happening we mean that in it's essence, a happening is not something that happens in the world, but rather a change in the approach through which we percieve the world and the way we link with it (Zizek, 2014). We try to possibilitate these happenings through the projects that we share and the dynamics that the community goes through.
Our research questions:
How to continue with a community of practice where the members have their own rythms and ways of experiencing the reallity? Are we allowing those happenings to occur? What kind of happenings are the ones that create new ways of connecting with the knowledge beneath our experiences? Do these happenings change these teachers (and researchers) professional practice? Has it been any change in the educational model in the educational centers where the teachers work?
Our objectives are to:
1 Continue to work with the community in order to understand the teaching practice.
2 Maintain the pedagogy of the meeting that means to look inside of oneself from the outside. One person speaks and the others look for the relationship with their own experience. An experience that is not a formal learning.
3 Understand the research as a mutual accompaniment.
We understand research as an accompaniment, a sharing of opinions, points of views... we see the conversations that we maintain during the dialogue as a way of traveling in company (Kvale, 2011) We rely on narrative research. This research model allows us, from a qualitative point of view, to approach a social phenomenon from the perspective of the actors involved in it. It is about telling their stories in order to complete a narrative that is born from the same object of study and that has as an axis the experiences of the same theachers. As Connelly and Clandinin (1995) say, the study of narrative is the study of the way in which human beings experience the world, narrative researchers seek to describe those lives, collect and tell stories about them, and write stories of experience. This research starts from a constructionist perspective to show the view that the actors, that are part of the school institution, have on the same field. This perspective (Keneth Gergen, 2007) talks about the educational practices that are usually linked to a network of assumptions, that is, a shared discourse about the nature of human beings, their capacities and their relation to the world and to others. For the study of the data we collect socio-biographical stories of the participants, perform a participant observation of the work within the group and an analysis from the visual data. From the study we have narratives and research narratives for a literal contribution of the results. In addition, we have a variety of visual data that is used to disseminate and make a transfer to the educational community from visual communication. Visual methodologies are also part of the research. Banks, (2001); Rose (2012), or Kan (2009), among many others, talk about the use of the image in the investigation, as. The process of analysis and interpretation of the evidences that we obtain, is intertwined with the theoretical framework, with the data of the field work and with the use of the images in the investigation. We use terms shown in Rose (2012) like the photo-documentation (with a video by Maddi Barber), the photo-elicitation as photographs discussed by all the members of the group, and photo-dialogues as an analysis of the speeches that emerge from the visual data and the reflexions from the researches about the early meetings of the group.
Expected Outcomes
We are aware that the diversity and involvement of all agents offers us a heterogeneous and broad field in which to investigate, question and promote new ways of doing, not only artistic education, but also research with and on social phenomena. It is not only a matter of introducing new strategies and methodologies in the classrooms, but a way of positioning oneself in education, stopping us in spite of the teaching practice during the same practice in the classrooms and through later reflections. Thanks to the diversity of the agents involved, the generation and exchange of knowledge has taken place in all directions. The ARTikertuz group's learning process, despite starting at a slow pace at the beginning, not only takes form of knowledge content, but also of the continent itself. After all that has been worked on in the group before, there is a need to start from what we have until now and continue, knowing that what matters is not destiny, but what is learned along the way We rely on the opportunity that art education provides not only to the teachers, but to their entire school community. We work with different artistic proyects in those schools and we become witnesses of the learning processes that both teachers and students have when they use the art subject as and empowering tool to rethink the education. We expect not cuantifying results, but some results related to the educative practice of the teachers that are part of this community. We want to sight some changes in these teachers' practices and try to understand the complexity of their everydays actions. The outcome ususally is unexpected and that's the main reason why we don't know about the results we might get.
Banks, M. (2001) Visual Methods in Visual Research. London: Sage Conelly, M; Clandinin, J. (1995). Relatos de Experiencia e Investigación Narrativa. In Larrosa, Jorge. Déjame que te cuente. Ensayos sobre narrativa y educación. Barcelona: Laertes, 11-59. Barcelona: Ediciones Laerte S.A. Gergen, K. (2007) Construccionismo social, aportes para el debate y la práctica. Bogotá: Universidad de los Andes, Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Departamento de Psicología, CESO, Ediciones Uniandes Kvale, S. (2011) Las entrevistas en investigación cualitativa. Madrid: Ediciones Morata Rose, G (2012) Visual methodologies. London: Sage Wenger, E. (1998)- Communities of practice: Learning, meaning and identity. New York. NY: Cambridge University Press. Wenger, E, McDermott, R., & Synder, W. M. (2002). Cultivating communities of practice. Cmbridge, MA: Harvard Business School Press. Zizek, S. (2014) Acontecimiento. Madrid: Editorial Sexto Piso
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