Network: 12. LISnet - Library and Information Science Network
12 SES 04 A JS, From Research Data Collection to Usage: How to Facilitate Further Data Analysis
Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 09:00-10:30, Room: Int.2.102, Chair:
- From Research Data Collection to Usage: How to Facilitate Further Data Analysis - JS1
Sonja Bayer Falk Brese Paulina Korsnakova Jana Straková
12 SES 06 A JS, IEA Open-Access Publishing Calls for Collaboration Across Disciplinary Borders: What Can Be Achieved and How?
Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 13:30-15:00, Room: Int.2.102, Chair:
- IEA Open-Access Publishing Calls for Collaboration Across Disciplinary Borders: What Can Be Achieved and How? - JS1
Paulina Korsnakova Andrea Netten Maria Magdalena Isac Andres Sandoval-Hernandez Katie Hill
12 SES 07 A, Financing Open Access and Open Scholarship Metrics
Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 15:30-17:00, Room: Int.2.102, Chair: Sonja Bayer
- Towards Open Access Publishing – A Review of three Transition Models
- Crowdfunding for Re-Balancing the Open Access Costs in Educational Research
- Open Scholarship Metrics – A Systematic Review
Simon Rettelbach
Christoph Schindler Anke Hertling
Verena Weimer
12 SES 08 B JS, Practices in Diamond Open Access publishing. Issues, HowTos and DIY - Joint Session NW06, NW 12, NW 20 & Emerging Researchers' Group
Wednesday, 2022-08-24, 17:15-18:45, Room: Int.2.405, Chair: Christoph Schindler
- Practices in Diamond Open Access publishing. Issues, HowTos and DIY - JS2
Klaus Rummler Christoph Schindler Carmen Carmona Rodriguez
12 SES 10.5 A, Network Meeting NW 12
Thursday, 2022-08-25, 12:00-13:30, Room: Int.2.102, Chair: Christoph Schindler
- NW 12 Meeting
Christoph Schindler
12 SES 11 A JS- Hybrid, Unconference on Open Science in Education: Workshop (Part 1)
Thursday, 2022-08-25, 13:30-15:00, Room: Int.2.102, Chair:
- Unconference on Open Science in Education: Workshop 1
Thomas Lösch Susann Hofbauer Christoph Schindler
12 SES 12 A JS- Hybrid, Unconference on Open Science in Education: Workshop (Part 2)
Thursday, 2022-08-25, 15:30-17:00, Room: Int.2.102, Chair:
- Unconference on Open Science in Education: Workshop 2
Thomas Lösch Susann Hofbauer Christoph Schindler
12 SES 13 JS - Hybrid, Panel Discussion 3: Open Science - Trends and Developments in Armenia and European Perspectives
Thursday, 2022-08-25, 17:15-18:45, Room: Int.2.102, Chair:
- Panel Discussion 3: Open Science - Trends and Developments in Armenia and European Perspectives
Annika Wilmers Christoph Schindler Christian Swertz Shushanik Sargsyan Hrachya Astsatryan
12 ONLINE 39 A, Digital and Open Scholarship - Creating Valuable Teaching in Post-Pandemic Times
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 11:00-12:30, Room: n/a, Chair:
- Digital and Open Scholarship - Creating Valuable Teaching in Post-Pandemic Times
Tamara Heck Carina Bossu Christian Swertz
12 ONLINE 40 A, Open Science in Education
Tuesday, 2022-09-06, 13:00-14:30, Room: n/a, Chair: Christoph Schindler
- Open Science By Design. A Concept for an Appropriate Structure for Scientific Communication.
- Domain Data Protocols for Empirical Educational Research ("DDP Education")
Christian Swertz
Elke Bongartz Harald Kaluza
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- For planning your conference attendance you may want to use the conference app, which will be issued some weeks before the conference
- If you are a session chair, best look up your chairing duties in the conference system (Conftool) or the app.