Session Information
06 SES 06 A, Discussing and Producing Multimodal Representations in Open Learning
Paper Session
Digitalization has made increasing progress over the last two decades. The term digitalization implies a growing presence and importance of digital media in our lives and thus a whole process of change in society (Krotz, 2018; Schrape, 2021). With regard to children, the growing presence of digital media is reflected in current studies, such as the KIM and JIM studies: smartphones, computers/laptops, televisions and internet access are available in almost all households in which 6-13-year-olds and 12-19-year-olds live. In addition, almost 50% of 6-13-year-olds and 100% of 12-19-year-olds have their own smartphone (KIM study, 2022; JIM study, 2023).
The increased use of digital media leads to a different communication and social interaction. In the future, children and young people will need special skills, that help them to find their way in the digitalized world and to participate in it. They need what is often described as media literacy to deal with it in a reflective manner. Baacke divides media literacy into the four dimensions of media knowledge, media use, media design and media criticism. Consequently, according to Baacke, it is not only important to know more about the various media, to be able to use them and to master the design of or with media, but also to deal with them critically (Baacke, 2007). In the context of the use of digital media in preschools, there are controversial discussions (Fröhlich-Gildhoff & Fröhlich-Gildhoff, 2017; Knauf, 2018) about the question of from what age children should use (which) digital media (and how) and from what age media literacy can and should be promoted.
Today, it is no longer a question of whether digital media can or should be used in preschools, but rather how they are used (Reichert-Garschhammer, 2020; Roboom, 2020). The discussion about the advantages and disadvantages of using them must therefore continue in the educational context. Recently, it has been observed that the discourse is shifting towards focusing more on the risks. For example, when using digital media, there should be paid more attention to the quality of the use and also good supervision by professionals must be guaranteed (Knauf, 2024; Kontovourki & Tafa, 2020; Karolinska Institutet, 2023). The educational framework needed to promote media literacy is still relatively unclear.
In addition to good framework conditions, such as time resources and good technical equipment and infrastructure (Cohen & Hemmerich, 2019), another important prerequisite is the media and media didactic skills of the educators themselves. Study results show, that many educational professionals are still insufficiently trained in this regard (Corona-KiTa-Studie, 2021; DKLK-Studie, 2020). Although it has already been shown that educational professionals are more likely to use digital media in their work and also directly with children and young people if they consider themselves to be media literate (Tappe, 2017, 2019). It is therefore of great importance if and to what extent prospective educational professionals acquire media literacy and media education skills as part of their education or studies.
Studies carried out, that these skills are still rarely addressed in pedagogical training and student courses (Friedrichs-Liesenkötter, 2019; Kammerl & Thumel, 2016). As a university, this should be covered in future via the study modules. It is necessary to take a closer look at the basic skills that prospective educational professionals should have.
This leads to the following research questions:
1. Are there any approaches to media-didactic training of childhood education students at "Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften" (HAW) Hamburg? If so, how many and what kind of?
2. What kind of seminars do students ask for?
3. How is a specific media education seminar (animated film work) accepted by childhood education students?
In the first step, we analysed the module handbook and the course schedules from the summer semester 2023 and winter semester 2023/2024 of the degree programme "Education in Childhood" at HAW Hamburg with regard to the keywords: media education, media literacy. A ranking in terms of frequency was carried out and related keywords were inductively analysed. At the same time, we developed two seminar concepts which, from our perspective, can promote the acquisition of media literacy as well as the development of media didactic skills. These seminars were implemented in the summer semester 2023 and winter semester 2023/2024. The students evaluated the seminars with Questionnaires and reflection forms. These were analysed using qualitative content analysis according to Kuckartz and Rädiker (Kuckartz & Rädiker 2022). The aim of these surveys was to identify students' wishes, evaluate their satisfaction with the developed seminar concepts and consider implications for the training of childhood education students (media education and media didactics as a transdisciplinary topic) for the further development of the degree programme.
Expected Outcomes
Analysing the module handbooks and course schedules revealed that there are hardly any media education seminars at the degree programme "Education in Childhood" at HAW Hamburg. The promotion of media literacy plays virtually no role in the training of childhood educators at this university. The exact quantitative analyses will be presented at the conference. The two media education seminars were well received by the students, so it can be concluded that the students themselves are interested in this programme and consider it relevant for their future pedagogical work. Both seminars were included in an elective area, so there was no obligation to choose them, but a quarter of the year group chose one of these courses. The reflection on the seminar programme and the evaluation of the question and reflection sheets showed that the students: - received new ideas for media education work with children and young people - they appreciate the opportunity to engage in their own creative work supported by digital tools -they can well imagine realising this together with children. A differentiated evaluation will be available by the time of the conference and will then be presented in detail. The results will be compared with other international research findings in an attempt to answer the question of which media literacy students should acquire during their studies and how these can later be used in educational practice.
Baacke, D. (2007). Medienpädagogik. [Nachdruck]. Tübingen: Niemeyer. Cohen, F. & Hemmerich, F. (2019). Nutzung digitaler Medien für die pädagogische Arbeit in der Kindertagesbetreuung. Kurzexpertise im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend. Bundesministerium für Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend. Corona-KiTa-Studie (2021). 4. Quartalsbericht der Corona-KiTa-Studie (II/2021). DJI. München. DKLK. (2020). DKLK-Studie 2020. KiTa-Leitung zwischen Digitalisierung und Personalmangel. Köln: Wolters Kluwer. Friedrichs-Liesenkötter, H. (2019). Medienerziehung und Medienbildung als Aufgaben der frühkindlichen Bildung: Aktuelle Situation und Implikationen für eine stärkere Verankerung. In K. Götz, J. Heider-Lang & A. Merkert (Hrsg.), Digitale Transformation in der Bildungslandschaft – den analogen Stecker ziehen? Schriftenreihe „Managementkonzepte“ (S. 52-69). München/Mehring: Rainer Hampp. Fröhlich-Gildhoff, K., & Fröhlich-Gildhoff, M. (2017). Digitale Medien in der KiTa – die Risiken werden unterschätzt! Frühe Bildung, 6(4), 225–228. JIM-Studie 2023 (2023). Jugend, Information, Medien. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 12- bis 19-jähriger. Stuttgart: Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest. Karolinska-Insitutet (2023). Stellungnahme zum Vorschlag der schwedischen Bildungsbehörde für eine nationale Digitalisierungsstrategie für das Schulsystem 2023-2027. KIM-Studie 2022 (2022). Kindheit, Internet, Medien. Basisuntersuchung zum Medienumgang 6- bis 13-jähriger. Stuttgart: Medienpädagogischer Forschungsverbund Südwest. Knauf, H. (2018). Die Nutzung digitaler Medien in der KiTa entdramatisieren. Frühe Bildung, 7(2), 114–116. Knauf, H. (2024). Pädagogik first, Digitalisierung second. Es ist Zeit, die unterschätzten Risiken digitaler Medien in der Kita in den Blick zu nehmen. Frühe Bildung, 13 (1), S. 48-50. Kontovourki, S., & Tafa, E. (2020). Pedagogical approaches to digital literacy in early years education. In: Erstad, O., Flewitt, R.,Kümmerling-Meibauer, B. & Reira, I.S.P. (Hrsg.), The Routledge Handbook of Digital Literacies in Early Childhood. Oxon: Routledge. Krotz, F. (2018). Medienwandel und Mediatisierung. Ein Einstieg und Überblick. In A. Kalina, F. Krotz, M. Rath & C. Roth-Ebner (Hrsg.), Tutzinger Studien zur Politik: Bd. 12. Mediatisierte Gesellschaften: Medienkommunikation und Sozialwelten im Wandel (S. 27–52). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG. Reichert-Garschhammer, E. (2020). Nutzung digitaler Medien für die pädago¬gische Arbeit in der Kindertagesbetreuung. Expertise des IFP im Auftrag des BMFSFJ. Roboom, S. (2020). Institutionen der Medienpädagogik: KiTa. In: Sander, U., Gross, von F. &Hugger, K.-U. (Hrsg.), Handbuch Medienpädagogik (S. 1–9). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-25090-4_94-1 Schrape, J.-F. (2021). Digitale Transformation. Bielefeld: UTB GmbH. Tappe, E.‑H. (2019). Prädiktoren der Intention zum didaktischen Einsatz von digitalen Medien im Unterricht – Überführung der Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) in ein schulisches Untersuchungssetting. In T. Knaus (Hrsg.), Forschungswerkstatt Medienpädagogik: Bd. 3. Projekt - Theorie - Methode: Spektrum medienpädagogischer Forschung (S. 999–1027). kopaed.
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