Session Information
06 SES 14 A JS, Navigating Uncertainty in a (Post)Digital World: Open Learning Cultures and Resources for Teaching Sustainability in European Teacher Education
Joint Symposium NW 06 and NW 30. Full details in NW 06, 06 SES 14 AJS
Educating towards more sustainable ways of living requires a considerable change in what is taught and how teachers are prepared and supported to meet this change. It involves exploring the ways “different values and lifestyle choices are related to sustainable practices” (Ilstedt et al., 2017) and matching emerging understandings to engaging learning materials and appropriate pedagogies. The TAP-TS project engages substantively with this challenge at a European level. The project centres on designing, assembling, testing and validating Learning & Teaching Packages (LTPs) - sets of novel and innovative OERs that take as their start-points the EU GreenComp framework for teaching and learning for sustainability, and build towards reflective-engagements that foster values, agency, and informed life-choices. These LTPs explore how sustainability can be introduced at different educational levels and which pedagogical approaches, concepts, and educational resources could be appropriate (Rieckmann 2021). At their core is the idea of enhancing teacher agency through critical & agentic reflection (c.f. Leijen et al 2020; Papenfuss et al 2019; Lunt 2020). TAP-TS engagements (co-production, piloting and use of LTPs) rest on a vision of professional learning based in a model that is ‘deeply reflective’ (Cavadas et al 2023; Goodwin et al 2023) and ‘values-led’ (Purdy et al 2023). This paper presents the TAP-TS experience of designing and building opportunities for this systematic, reflective teacher learning. We describe in detail our work and the centrality of EU GreenComp (Bianchi et al 2022) to fostering agency through critical reflective engagement. We outline the TAP-TS Roadmap for planning deeply reflective learning experiences within project activities (involving resources, materials, and approaches). We also describe the TAP-TS ‘MaRIA’ framework being developed to guide Follow-Up activities that engage critically with TAP-TS LTPs. In this way, we hope to initiate a conversation among the European teacher education community around values-led, teachers’ reflective learning and how this can be catalysed through criticality regarding educating for sustainability and just transition. The presentation emphasises particularly TAP-TS work to prompt critical agency, and the status of TAP-TS LTPs as Open Educational Resources (OERs) with their inherent 'beta nature' – all are work-in-progress and are offered as proposals for joint explorations rather than as ‘solutions’ to teachers and other educators from across Europe taking part in TAP-TS events. In all this TAP-TS works towards enabling learners and teachers to participate more fully in a post-digital society.
Goodwin, A. L., Madalińska-Michalak, J., & Flores, M. (2023). Rethinking teacher education in/for challenging times: reconciling enduring tensions, imagining new possibilities. European Journal of Teacher Education, 46(5) 1-16. Ilstedt, S., Eriksson, E. & Hesselgren, M.I.A. (2017). Sustainable lifestyles: How values affect sustainable practises. Nordes 2017 (7): DESIGN+POWER Leijen, Ä., Pedaste, M., & Lepp, L. (2020). Teacher agency following the ecological model: How it is achieved and how it could be strengthened by different types of reflection. British Journal of Educational Studies, 68(3), 295-310. Lunt, P. (2020). Practicing media—Mediating practice| beyond Bourdieu: The interactionist foundations of media practice theory. International Journal of Communication, 14, 18. Papenfuss, J., Merritt, E., Manuel-Navarrete, D., Cloutier, S., & Eckard, B. (2019). Interacting pedagogies: A review and framework for sustainability education. Journal of Sustainability Education, 20(4), 1-19. Purdy, N., Hall, K., Khanolainen, D., & Galvin, C. (2023). Reframing teacher education around inclusion, equity, and social justice: towards an authentically value-centred approach to teacher education in Europe. European Journal of Teacher Education, 46(5), 755-771. Rieckmann, M. (2021). Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Ziele, didaktische Prinzipien und Methoden. In: Demmler, Kathrin/Schorb, Bernd (Hrsg.): Medienbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung. Kopaed-Verlag, S. 12-19.
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