ECER 2024
session provided by 06. Open Learning: Media, Environments and Cultures
Adult Education and Open Learning
06 SES 11 A
Paper Session
Room LRC 017 in Library (Learning Resource Center "Stelios Ioannou" [LRC]) [Ground Floor]
Jelena Joksimovic
- Media Perceptions of Adult Education Practitioners – a Closer Look at a Neglected Framework for Professionalization Processes
Lukas Dehmel Franziska Bellinger Ricarda Bolten-Bühler
- Navigating Careers in a Virtual Realm: The Application of Virtual Reality in Guiding Adult Refugees
Sandra Langer
- Implementing an Open Learning Center for All. A Case-Study Focussing Challenges for Professionals in Adult Education.
Petra Grell
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- For planning your conference attendance you may want to use the conference app, which will be issued some weeks before the conference
- If you are a session chair, best look up your chairing duties in the conference system (Conftool) or the app.