Session Information
20 SES 11, Relationships, Diversity and Empowerment
Paper Session
Schools are seen as central in the drive to create more cohesive communities in divided societies. Although the nature of proposed action varies, there is a consistent emphasis on enhancing inter-group contact between members of separate faith/ethnic communities. This approach resonates in Northern Ireland where a parallel education system exists for Protestant and Catholic children. For many years, and with only limited success, educationalists have sought to promote community relations through schools. Reflecting a gap in existing provision, a Sharing Education Programme (SEP) was introduced in 2007. In so far as SEP deviates from previous contact initiatives for school children, by offering an opportunity for sustained inter-group interaction within the context of the separate education system, it offers a unique and important research site. Drawing on contact theory, this paper compares two SEP projects, undertaken in very different social contexts. It examines the value of the contact experienced by pupils and staff in the participating schools, and considers the contextual variables that can mediate its effectiveness. In line with a recent critique of contact theory, the paper concludes that understanding the impact of contact initiatives is highly contingent on an appreciation of the multifarious environmental, political and historical referents that individuals draw on as they navigate the contact experience.
Expected Outcomes
Allport, G. (1954) The nature of prejudice (Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley). Connolly, P. (2000) What now for the contact hypothesis? Towards a new research agenda, Race, Ethnicity and Education, 3(2), 169-193. Dixon, J.A, Durrheim, K & Tredoux, C. (2005) Beyond the optimal strategy: A ‘reality check’ for the contact hypothesis, American Psychologist, 60, 697-711. Sharing Education Programme: Welcome to the sharing education programme, Available online at: Accessed 7 November 2010. The Cantle Report: Community Cohesion: A Report of the Independent Review Team, Available online at: Accessed 5/1/11. The Ouseley Report: Community pride not prejudice - making diversity work in Bradford, Available online at: Accessed 5/1/11.
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