This paper presents part of a research study currently underway titled “Analysis of the processes of educational inclusion/exclusion in compulsory education. Development of local projects for change and improvement at school” (EDU2008-06511-C02-02/EDUC). Three Universities, Vigo, Cantabria and Sevilla are participating in the research with the three-way proposal of analysing the processes of inclusion/exclusion from the perspective and participation of pupils, teachers and families so that through joint and collaborative reflexion processes institutional needs for change can be indentified and prioritized with the further objective of designing in a participative way Institutional Inclusive Educational Projects.
With this research we aim by virtue of a critical and participative methodology to enhance in the schools the development of specific improvement projects which answer the needs of each context, as well as evulating the same. Specifically speaking, this paper presents the first contributions and results of the development of research in a Primary school (located in a neighbourhood of Sevilla, bordering socialldy underprivilged neighbourhoods, and forming part of one of the areas with most need for social transformation), of one of the three schools participating in the province of Sevilla. With this contribution we make a first approach with the aim of illustrating with a single case the development process of the study and to point out the initial contributions of the same.
The theoretical proposals that the study sustains originate on the one hand from previous research carried out by our team on the study of phenomena of educational and social inclusion/ exclusion understood as being a process of social contruction (Parrilla y Susinos, 2005; Parrilla y Susinos, 2007), and on the other hand, the contributions that propose a dynamic focus centred on the analysis of obstructive or facilitative indicators of inclusion (Leney,1999). Nonetheless, this vision would become a slanted one, if we were not to take into account the interpretation, opinions and perspectives that people in situations of inclusion or exclusion have of their particular circumstances. In such a way we assume a participative focus ( as a conceptual focus and research methodology) that prioritizes the exclusion processes, from the perspectives of the participants themselves (Oliver,1992).
On the other hand, the choice of the eductaional context as the “text” to be researched, places this research at the very foundations of social exclusion. Educational exclusion is, on many occasions, a phenomenon that acts as an antecedent to the processes of social exclusion.The existing concern in our society on the abandonment of compulsory studies and even further studies, highlights the need to tackle and analyse what is happening in education centres for boys and girls to feel or to be excluded from the education system (Parrilla, Moriña y Gallego, 2007).