Session Information
15 SES 09, The Notion of Partnership: Case Study II
Parallel Paper Session
There is a need for better relations between initial teacher education programs and school practice. There has been a shift in the students’ practice periods in Norway, from a system with individual mentors, an individual contract, to focus on the school as the arena, an institutional contract (Haug,P. 2010, Heggen,K. 2010). The structures and mentoring systems are not the same across Europe and it is important to know more about how the leaders in practice schools evaluate the qualifications a teacher needs, and how we can facilitate the cooperation between the educational institutes and the schools (ETUCE 2008, Hudson,B., Zgaga,P. and Åstrand,B. 2010, Nordenbo 2008).
The research questions are: Which areas of teacher qualification do the school leaders emphasize as important for the students to learn more about and also experience in the school context? How can the students obtain these qualifications? In which fields could the school and the educational institutes cooperate?
The main focus is on how school leaders in the practice schools that collaborate with Oslo University College conceptualize and discuss teacher qualifications in an international and national context (Edwards, A. 2010, Shulman, L. 2004). The paper will discuss the national reform (G10) and how the requirements presented there correspond with the school leaders’ opinions. A level-based teacher education was implemented in Norway in August 2010, with one course for teaching first to seventh grade and one for teaching fifth to tenth grade. G10 emphasizes a holistic and coherent development according to theory and practice in education. By empirically investigating which qualifications the school leaders at primary and secondary schools consider important, we will gain more knowledge about the school as an arena for students’ learning. The paper will discuss how we can understand the shift from an individual contract to an institutional contract and focus on this observation as the basis for cooperation between the students’ two learning arenas.
Expected Outcomes
Brown, J. and Isaacs, D.(2005). The World Café. Shaping Our Futures Through Conversations That Matter. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers Edwards, A.(2010). Being an Expert Professional Practitioner: the relational turn in expertise. Dordrecht: Springer. ETUCE (2008). Teacher Education in Europe. An ETUCE Policy Paper Grimen, H. (2008). Profesjon og kunnskap i: Molander A og Terum L I (red) Profesjonsstudier. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget Haug P (red) (2010). Kvalifisering til læreryrket. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag AS Havnes, A. (2011) Fra høgskole til universitetet. Utfordringer knyttet til profesjonsrettet profil. Høgskolen i Oslo: HiO-rapport 2011 nr 8. Heggen, K. (2010). Kvalifisering for profesjonsutøving, Sjukepleiar- lærar – sosialarbeidar. Oslo: Abstrakt forlag AS Hudson, B., Zgaga, P. and Björn Åstrand (ed) (2010) Advancing quality cultures for teacher education in Europe:Tensions and Opportunities. Umeå School of Education, Umeå University, Sweden Kunnskapsdepartementet(2009). St. meld. nr. 11(2008-2009) Læreren – Rollen og utdanningen Kunnskapsdepartementet(2010). Nasjonale retningslinjer for grunnskolelærerutdanningen Nordenbo, S.E (et al.) (2008) Lærerkompetanser og elevers læring I barnehage og skole: et systematisk review utført for Kunnskapsdepartementet, Oslo. København: Danmarks Pædagogiske Universitetsforlag og Dansk Clearinghouse for Uddannelsesforskning. Saldaña, J. (2009). The coding Manual for Qualitative researchers. London, Sage. Shulman, L. S.(2004). Teaching as Community Property – Essays on Higher Education.San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Yin, R.K. (2003), Case Study Research. Design and Methods, Thousand Oaks, CA.Sage,
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