Session Information
26 SES 03 B, Educational Leadership
Parallel Paper Session
Recent contributions to the field of educational leadership include the need to pay attention at the performance of the school leader in the construction of the "safe" and "live" organization that move forward and progress toward improving student learning (Mulford, 2010). Alongside these approaches of educational leadership we founded the contributions of Spillane (1999) and Zembylas (2010) analyzing the performance space where teachers and head-teachers exercise their task facing the challenges of everyday life. Space theories emphasize the importance of pay attention the social space in which produce and transform the individual and group practices, producing in them a specific emotional experiences. The "zones of enactment" of Spillane (1999) and 'spaces for coping "of Zembylas (2010), identify the policy space and construct the emotional relationships of specific spatial characteristics.
But these analyzes discover a "resilient architecture" that prevent the construction of a context and a suitable space, and there are also some "emotional geographies" (Hargreaves, 2001) that can work as factors that limit the construction of a "safe "and" alive sistem "to make easier an environment favorable to improved learning. It is therefore essential to analyze the "meeting place" where systems are developed relationships between members of the organization, where head-teacher interpret, construct, and give meaning to their daily performance, and is essential to describe this space through analysis of the intersection of the personal processes, social, political and physical that produce a series of emotional states in the head-teachers. Therefore, our research is aimed at analyzing what the head- teachers do and how they do, specifically analyzed the following variables: a) Type of work performed (pedagogical-curricular tasks, tasks related to construct a positive school climate and learning communities, tasks related to professional development, and management tasks related to administrative and external relations), b) Time of completion of tasks (start time - end time), c) Audience (With who performs the action?), d) Procedure (how performs the action, what procedure?), e) Place of action (where the action is performed?), f) How does it feel? (indicate the emotions that causes the specific task performance).
Expected Outcomes
Bolívar, A. (2010). El liderazgo educativo y su papel en la mejora: Una revisión actual de sus posibilidades y limitaciones. Psicoperspectivas, 9 (2), 9-23. Bolívar A. (2010). ¿Cómo un liderazgo pedagógico y distribuido mejora los logros académicos?. Revista Internacional de Investigación en Educación, 3 (5), 79-106. Gimeno, J., Beltrán, F., Salinas, B. y San Martín, A. (1995). La dirección de centros: Análisis de tareas. Madrid. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Hargreaves, A. (2001). The emocional geographies of teachers’ relations with colleagues. Internacional Journal of Educational Research, 35 503-527. Leithwood, K, Seashore, L., Anderson, S. y Wahistrom, K. (2004). How leadership influences student learning. Minesota. Carei. Leithwood, K, Seashore, L., Wahistrom, K. y Anderson, S. (2010). Investigating the links to improved student learning. Minesota. Carei. Mulford, B. (2010). Recent developments in the filed of educational leadership: The challenge of complexity. En . Hargreaves et al. (Eds), Second Handbook of Educational Change, Springer Internacional Handbboks of Education. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. Spillane, J. (1999). External reform initiatives and teachers’efforts to reconstruct their practice: the mediating role of teachers’ zones of enactment. J. Currículum Studies, 31 (2), 143-175. Spillane, J. y Zuberi, A. (2009). Designing and piloting a leadership daily practice log: using logs to study the practice of leadership. Educational Adminsitration Quarterly. 45 (3), 375-423. Spillane, J. y Hunt, B. (2010). Days of their lives: a mixed-methos, descriptive análisis of the men and women at work in the principal’s office. . Journal of curriculum estudies, 42 (3), 293-331. Zembylas, M. (2010). Teacher emotions in the context of educational reforms. En A. Hargreaves, et al. (Eds.). Second Handbook of Educational Change. Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 221- 2.
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