Session Information
23 SES 03 C, Curriculum Policy
Parallel Paper Session
Curriculum studies about and with poor and marginal people, lead us to a field of analysis and teaching inquiry that analyses the problem from three different records: the commoditisation of education, the absence politics as an invisibility of differences, the reduction of the episteme through the measurement and control of a subject invented and shaped by the hegemonic monoculture.
The commoditisation of education has led worldwide to consolidate different strategies, among others, the transfer of the state responsibility to the private sector, the increasing emergence of a subsidiary state, with international organizations who claimed the supremacy of certifying the "quality of education" in a country, be it OECD, World Bank, IMF, PISA, competence-based curriculum, Tuning and more. The latter implied state policies have focused on increasing the privatization of public education through the justification of its reduction, and cutting down the budget because of the repeated concept of "quality" of education. Citizenship has mobilized and organized in social movements to condemn the abuses they have undergone as victims thus loosing these minimum basic rights the guarantee statement promised.
Many of the demands, although having a common axis referring to global problems, are anchored in local political matters necessary to place and put into context such demands, avoiding suffocating them, subsumed in the homogeneous and unique speech, which while hiding the difference and local conflict it does not contribute on shaping its and therefore the political component in the curriculum.
The logic of international standardized tests and trials have reduced curriculum to artificial measuring processes, moving away from significant questions supporting the entire educational culture: what is true?, What is right and just? This does only lead to the minimization of the subject as a mere player of a dominant mono- culture. The standard culture ends up in the training of behaviours responding to meanings set by ideological apparatuses, skewing the manner to understand and read the world surrounding future generations.
The neoliberal mercantilization and the measurement/assessment as control are typical processes in global context in which the politics has lost meaning and legitimacy. When the utopian and emancipatory thought and practice is in disrepute and discredit, the neoliberal politics araise as the only framework for understand the coexistence, commonwealth and life. As a result we can see the lost of the public and participatory realm, the revival of the of neo-dictatorship goberments in America Latina and the fall of representative democracy (Delvaux, 2003, Derouet, 1993).
Because of that, to know in deep how vulnerable and poor people, understand the experiencie of policies and politics, is a important issue (Rancière, 1996). The social and economic inequality is growing due to the standardized testing and control of the curriculum, pedagogical practice, school organization and learning outcomes.
Expected Outcomes
Bauman Z:(2007) Vida de Consumo. Argentina. Fondo de Cultura Económica. Bourdieu, Pierre (1997) Capital cultural, escuela y espacio social. México D.F. Siglo XXI. Bronfenbrenner, Urie (1979) The ecology of human development. Experiments by nature and design. Cambridge, Mass. Harvard University Press. Bronfenbrenner, Urie (1994) Ecologial models of human development, en International Encyclopedia of Education. Vol 3. Oxford. Elsevier Sciences. 1643-1647. Castoriadis, C. (1975). L’institution imaginaire de la société. Paris : PUF. Castoriadis, Cornelius (2007) Democracia y Relativismo. Madrid. Editorial Trotta S.A. Clandinin, D. Jean y Connelly, F. Michel (2000). Narrative Inquiry. Experience and Story in Qualitative Research. San Francisco. Jossey- Bass. Clandinin, Jean, et alli. (2010) Composing lives: a narrative account into the experiences of youth who left shool early. Alberta, Australia. Alberta Center for Child Family and Community Research. Delvaux et al. (2003) Les transformations du métier d’enseignant. Belgique : CERISIS – UCL / Sedess- Hainaut. Derouet J. (1993) École et Justice. De l’égalité des chances aux compromis locaux? Paris. Metaillié. Dubet F., Martucelli D. (1996) A l'école: sociologie de l'expérience scolaire. Paris: Seuil. Espósito, R. (2003) Communitas. Origen y destino de la comunidad. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu. Foucault M: (2009) Vigilar y castigar. Buenos Aires. Siglo XXI. Pedrol, X. (2002) Castoriadis: un proyecto de reilustración. Revista Archipiélago, N° 54, Rancière, Jacques (2000) El odio a la democracia. Buenos Aires: Amorrortu. Rancière, Jacques (1996) El desacuerdo. Política y Filosofía. Buenos Aires: Nueva Edición. Sen Amartya; (2007) Identidad y violencia. Editorial Katz. Argentina. Sennett Richard; (2008) La cultura del nuevo capitalismo. Barcelona. Anagrama Smyth, John & Hattam, Robert (2004) Dropping out’. drifting off, being excluded. New York. Peter Lang. Torres Jurjo; (2011) La justicia curricular. Madrid. Morata. Vera, Juan Manuel (1998) Cornelius Castoriadis (1922-1997): la interrogación permanente. Revista Iniciativa Socialista, n°48, marzo. Young, Iris Marion (2011) Responsability for Justice. U.K. Osford University Press. Zemelman H (2007) El ángel de la historia: determinación y autonomía de la condición humana. Barcelona. Anthropos.
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