Session Information
02 SES 07 B, Transition Paths and Strategies
Paper Session
Job-related transitions of young people are combined with highsocial risks. Because of the dramatic demographic developments in recent years the access of unemployed young people to the training and labor market is reduced. Nevertheless the number of new entrances in the training market includes currently more than about 294.000 young people after leaving school. (Bildungsbericht 2012). Central factors of social exclusion in early adulthood can be identified in school education, gender, origin and region. My present research project consists of extensive small scale reflection of urban factors of a typical district in German Cities which have a wide gap in terms of social inequality.
The theoretical part of the research focuses on a relational conception of space and goes beyond the definition of social space from Bourdieu. In the meaning of Bourdieu social space consists of a system, in which the subject and objects take place in a relative order to one another. In contrast the in theoretical concept of Löw (2001) space has the meaning of a relational ordering of social goods and living beings which are generated by the synthesis and placing of these elements. This meaning of placing indicates the process of construction of a place more than in Bourdieu’s concept. Synthesis can take place in perception, imagination and memory of the acting individual (Löw 2001: 159; 263). The classification of spatial effects and the development of the created model has the title “spatial effects in perspective to vocational transitions processes”. It is based on concepts with territorial, action and spatial relations. In my presentation I will expose in brief theoretical and empirical time-space structures. Unfortunately in educational and social sciences these approaches are neglected up to now.
Young adults are affected to a certain degree of social disadvantages and processes of selection. My presentation is based on my almost finished doctoral dissertation. I will concentrate my contribution on the following thesis for further discussion in the plenum:
1.(Theoretical impact) Urban effects for job-related transitions can be identified. Analysis of urban sociologies recognize effects between the domicile on one hand and disadvantages and processes of selection on the other hand.
Spatial resources determine access for desirable goods like work and education. In addition one can notice that local effects of places are related to vocational transitions.
2. (Empirical impact) In a relational context spatial practices and strategies appear as social and cultural practices which effects to education processes of job-related transitions. The objective of the research project was a district in a big City of Lower Saxony, it is characterized by big industrial enterprises as Volkswagen (VW), Continental and Varta. Therefore many market workers especially from Turkey work and live there.
Expected Outcomes
• Nationaler Bildungsbericht. Bildung in Deutschland 2012. Ein indikatorengestützter Bericht mit einer Analyse zur kulturellen Bildung im Lebenslauf. Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. Autorengruppe Bildungsberichterstattung. • Bourdieu, P. (1991). Physischer, sozialer und angeeigneter physischer Raum. Seiten 25-34. In Wentz, M. (1991). Stadt-Räume. Frankfurt/Main; New York: Campus-Verlag. • Bourdieu, P. (1997). Ortseffekte. Seiten 159-167. In: Bourdieu, P. et al.. Das Elend der Welt. Zeugnisse und Diagnosen alltäglichen Leidens an der Gesellschaft. Konstanz: UVK Universitätsverlag. • Löw, M. (2001).Raumsoziologie. Erste Auflage. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
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