Session Information
02 SES 07 A, Permeability and Recognition of Prior Learning
Paper Session
It is peculiar that within the European initiatives towards the implementation of credit systems the central elements are the awarding of credits and the accumulation of certified learning outcomes on the basis of modular structured units of qualification. Regardless of these central elements the core of a credit system lies within facilitating access and transmission between different learning contexts and shortening the duration of training. Therefor the crucial questions of this project are if in selected countries already approaches and models exist, which also aim to facilitate transparency, comparability and recognition and on which central elements they are based. Relevant examples, which are implemented respectively discussed, can be found in Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands and Scotland.
Within the European definition credit-systems “enable accumulation of learning outcomes gained in formal, non-formal and/or informal settings, and facilitate their transfer from one setting to another for validation and recognition” (CEDEFOP 2008, p.53). The understanding of ‘credit-systems’ within the project is broader than the common understanding of this term, because the approaches in the respective countries - except Scotland - are practised without granting credit points. Although in every analysed country an institutional and legal framework exists, which enables the recognition of learning outcomes, the knowledge about the concrete practice and implementation, the de facto use and the impact of these approaches and models is insufficient. Furthermore it is to question whether the implemented approaches can be understood as a comprehensive system over all different learning contexts of the educational system, which is able to facilitate the transparency, comparability, transferability and mutual recognition of proved learning outcomes as well as to promote lifelong learning and permeability. The core of the project was a deepened analysis of approaches and if applicable systems or procedures, which are used within the different countries to describe, evaluate/control, document and to recognize prior learning. Furthermore within the project it was investigated, how these approaches are realized in practice and which effects they have at the selected interfaces within the system.
In the focus of the research process are questions regarding the reason for special phenomena (institutional circumstances and conditions of the educational system) as well as questions regarding the social process, within which the mechanisms operate (driving forces and methodological-conceptual fundamentals). The project was constructed as an explorative study, which wanted to reconstruct influencing factors, transfer processes and impact mechanisms of credit-systems respectively recognition approaches, that is identify the causal mechanisms within systems of interaction and within stakeholder constellations. Furthermore the project aims to propose options and regulative needs for the development of national credit system.
To theoretically conceptualise and analyse the processes in the context of recognition and crediting of prior learning an institutional research perspective is required. So to examine recognition and credit systems not only pedagogical theories but especially institutional theoretical approaches are relevant and were explored within the study. Besides the competence theory and the certification theory the theoretical basis of the analysis is formed by the institution theory and the governance approach.
Expected Outcomes
ANNEN, Silvia: Anerkennung von Kompetenzen. Kriterienorientierte Analyse ausgewählter Verfahren in Europa, Bielefeld 2012. BMBF; KMK: German Position on a European Credit System for Education and Training (ECVET), Bonn/Berlin 2008. CEDEFOP: Terminology of European education and training policy. A selection of 100 key terms, Luxembourg 2008. CEDEFOP: The shift to learning outcomes: policies and practices in Europe, Luxembourg 2009. CEDEFOP: European guidelines for the validation of non-formal and informal learning, Luxembourg 2009. COOPER, H. M.: Integrating research: a guide for literature review, Newbury Park, California 1989. DUNKEL, Torsten; LE MOUILLOUR, Isabelle: Qualifikationsrahmen und Credit-Systeme: Ein Bausatz für die Bildung in Europa. European Journal of Vocational Training. 42, 2007/3. DUVEKOT, Ruud; HANEKAMP, Marieke: Background Report Netherlands, Doentichem 2010, (unpublished draft). EBERHARDT, Christiane; ANNEN, Silvia: Background Report Germany, Bonn 2010 (unpublished draft). FROMMBERGER, Dietmar: Transitions and Research on Transitions in VET, Bonn 2009. GLÄSER, Jochen; LAUDEL, Grit: Experteninterviews und qualitative Inhaltsanalyse, Wiesbaden 2009. HOWIESON, Cathy; RAFFE, David: Background Report Scotland, Edinburgh 2010 (unpublished draft). LARSEN, Jorgen Ole; FRIMODT, Rasmus: Background Report Denmark, Kopenhagen 2010 (unpublished draft). LE MOUILLOUR, Isabelle: Europäische Ansätze zu Credit (Transfer) Systemen in der Berufsbildung. Eine Bewertung der Anwendbarkeit bestehender Credit-Systeme für ein Europäisches Credit (Transfer) System zur beruflichen Bildung, CEDEFOP Dossier series; 12. Luxembourg 2005. LE MOUILLOUR, Isabelle; SELLIN, Burkhart; JONES, Simon: First report of the technical working group on credit transfer in VET, Brussels 2003. OECD: Qualifications systems. Bridges to lifelong learning, Paris 2007. RAFFE. David; HOWIESON, Cathy: Hybrid qualifications in a credit-based system: Scottish Higher National Certificates and Diplomas, Edinburgh 2011 (unpublished draft). RECOMMENDATION of the European Parliament and of the Council on the Establishment of a European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET), Brussels 2009. WERQUIN, P.: Recognising Non-Formal and Informal Learning: Outcomes, Policies and Practices. Paris 2010.
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