Annual Report 2014, Porto

- In 2014, Network 1 offered 41 sessions that included 91 paper presentations, four symposia (seven sessions, 31 papers) and five posters within the programme of 14 sessions (Tuesday noon through Friday). Attendance at sessions varied from seven to 50.
- Network 1 presenters came from 36 countries: 17 in the European Union, six other European countries (Ukraine etc) as well as from Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Singapore, Dubai, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, New Zealand, Turkey, Uganda, USA. There were especially high numbers of presentations from Finland, UK, Norway and Germany.
- Session themes included induction and mentoring; different aspects of teachers’ and organizational learning and knowledge creation; teacher identity; leadership development; contexts that support or hinder CPD; ethics and contexts that require CPD (e.g., multilingualism, diversity); collegiality; school and organisational development and sustainability and culture; teacher assessment; ecologies of practices; the role of research and action research; the role of feedback; professional identity; policy; professional development centres and communities; theoretical and practical aspects of researching CPD; early years development; and CPD in nursing and other professions. A business meeting workshop was held on research areas of NW1.
- Symposia were held on practices of teacher induction (two sessions); school culture; becoming a teacher in Europe (two sessions); changing teacher professionality, education and work – revisiting the educational tensions (two sessions).
- There were Posters about the teacher educators’ professional development, education authority and competence training, professional self-esteem and professional development, professional agency, intergenerational knowledge brokerage in school teams.
- The high quality of most of presentations, symposia, and posters has to be mentioned. Copies of Powerpoint presentations are helpful but not everyone brought them.
- However, this year some presenters cancelled in late July and August. This meant that some sessions had only two rather than three presentations, and some session titles did not reflect the content.
- All the helpers from Porto University were wonderful. In particular, Renato Pinto Velho the technician and student has been extremely helpful, going above and beyond and playing wonderful music.