Annual Report 2006, Geneva

The conference in Geneva 2006 was a new step forward for network 10. We had a great deal of high quality presentations, turnout on the different sessions did vary, but generally all had a good attendance.

Some work had been put into allocating paper that fitted together on beforehand, but due to different circumstances, the time and effort needed for this work were not available. In spite of this the program seemed to turn out well, but we see that this is something which could still be developed for the forthcoming conferences.

In Geneva the papers and the symposium where allocated under the following themes. These themes were extracted from the webpage (EERA) which presents the purpose of the teacher education network.

Themes Geneva 2006



Research on mentoring:



Research on pre-service teachers:



Research on initial teacher training/induction year.



Research on teacher identity:



Research on professional development


1 (= 3 papers)

Research on the nature of teaching in teacher education



Research on policy of teacher education:



Evaluation research



Some of these papers where withdrawn before the conference, in total we had 71 presentations at the conference, in addition two poster presentations. Three presenters did not show up for their presentation, this is still too much. We hope that some better work and contact with the presenters on beforehand by the network might be something which could change this and this might also secure fewer withdrawals after the program is set up.

The network held a meeting on the Thursday of the conference. Around 30+ people showed up.  Here colleagues were reminded of the purpose of Network 10, which is to provide a forum for the discussion of research into trends and developments within Teacher Education Research in Europe. However, it was noted that there was an issue associated with the importance of the European dimension. The situation for the network, which attracts many paper proposals annually but which so far have had no tradition of network meetings or between conference activities were talked about. The Conveners of the network recognised the need for the Network to be inclusive and democratic. This meeting was an open meeting and had been called to provide information on for instance processes of identifying research sub-themes for the network, review of proposals and their allocation to sub-themes and proposal feedback arrangements. Network members engaged in a wide-ranging discussion on the above and the following points were noted: There was strong agreement that a Review Committee (RC) was required but that members should have a limited workload; there were concerns about quality if there were too many RC members. Clear and transparent criteria should be published and used for review purposes. (EERA review criteria are posted on the web) The need to encourage and mentor new researchers was recognised especially with proposals. Advice on the EARLI approach to criteria and using electronic feedback was offered. There was a desire to build up the Network into a genuine working collaborative community. It was agreed that Roundtables and Symposia be encouraged particularly in conjunction with other Networks. Proposals should be requested and possible discussants identified. Members requested that all presenters should provide papers at the conference, not just promise them or provide a Powerpoint file. It was suggested that a Conveners Committee should be established and an electronic forum established for Network communication. Ghent colleagues undertook to arrange a Network social event at the next Conference. Colleagues from Australia indicated their continuing support for membership of this Network, citing the need to consider global issues of interest such as the retention of qualified teachers and ‘learning to teach’.

Two different committees were established at the network meeting, one who would undertake the task of elaborating themes for next year’s conference and one which would distribute the workload on reviewing the paper/poster/ symposium abstracts (RC). 

After the conference one of the committees have worked out some ideas for themes for next years conference. Our aim when developing themes (under the conference theme) is to invite and allocate papers and to:

  • Inform researchers who want to submit a paper under network 10 Teacher Education Research about ongoing discussions and themes,
  • Help researchers allocate their papers under a heading where their research will meet researchers dealing with similar topics/problems/questions,
  • Promote discussions about research findings and theories at the conference, within related topics/areas of teacher ed. research.

We are planning to set up a panel discussion at the beginning of the conference inviting two other networks to participate. The heading we are proposing for this panel discussion is:

“What are contested qualities in research on teacher education which are relevant for education today?” The areas which we would like this panel discussion to explore are areas easily recognized within the national contexts of teacher education research in Europe. A narrowing of the theme for the panel discussion which we would suggest is to concentrate the discussion around the contested qualities of:

  • Knowledge based vs Vocational based  teacher Education
  • Theoretical vs Practical knowledge in the understanding of teacher education.
  • Researched based teacher ed. vs Practice based teacher ed.

Our hope is that this discussion will be continued in the forthcoming sessions at the conference.

We have also identifies some themes for symposiums at the conference, these are:

  • Collective work practices. This is an area which follows up on the discussion on the contested qualities of a knowledge based vs. a Vocational teacher education.  Those who are interested in contributing to this theme is invited to contact Peter Grey <link>  or Jim McNally: at <link>
  • What constitutes qualities in teacher education research methodology? When research on teacher education is undertaken questions about what constitutes good research on teacher education is crucial. An analysis of this across the research on teacher education in Europe, (and beyond) is welcomed. If you are interested in contributing please contact Robyn Ewing for further details and organizing of a symposium. E-mail adr.. contact: <link>
  • The Functions of Assessment in Teacher Education.Assessment has, specifically in teacher education, numerous functions which are not found in other higher education programmes, such as the function of modelling good assessment to future teachers, educating assessors of pupils' learning etc. If you are interested in contributing please contact Kari Smith for further details and organizing of a symposium.  E-mail adr: <link>

Under we are listing other themes which may be answered in different ways according to different polarizations working within teacher education.

  • National versus global horizons for teacher education
  • Universal knowledge versus local knowledge in teacher education
  • Theoretical knowledge versus practical knowledge in teacher education

(Heard at ECER 2006; When the teacher ed. students come out into the school, into practice, they re told to forget all they learned at university, because now they will learn what is really at stake in teaching and learning)

  • Knowledge based versus vocational based teacher education
  • Research based teacher education versus practice based teacher education.
  • Ethical versus knowledge based dimensions in teacher education

We would also like to invite people to organize roundtable discussions or research workshops in addition to the more traditional paper presentations at the conference. If anyone are interested, but do not now of who to contact, please contact the link-convenor at <link>

The network will set up a website shortly where different information will be posted. Adress will be posted on EERA wdsite under network 10. Should anyone have ideas for the site of things they want posted please contact Marit.

Hope that you find opportunities to engage in some of the discussions on research in teacher education that will take place in Ghent in September 2007.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Ghent, Belgium.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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