Annual Report 2008, Göteborg

Annual Report 2008, Göteborg

For NW10 we had approximately 140 submissions, which resulted in eight symposia with a total of 38 contributions, one round table with two contributions and 83 individual papers across the eleven sessions (123 contributions altogether). There were no joint sessions this year.

Sessions were well attended, and the first symposium session spilled out of the doors! The business meeting was attended by around 45 members which was a very pleasing turnout.
Rejections were mainly on the grounds of inappropriate topic for NW10, or vague language and descriptions of methods and (especially) lack of research question(s) to guide the overall form of the paper.
This is currently being discussed by convenors with a view to improving the guidance and feedback to authors.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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