Annual Report 2009, Vienna

Annual Report 2009, Vienna

Considering phase 1 and 2, Network 10 had 172 submissions (papers, posters and symposia), resulting in 35 rejections (20% rate), 12 redirections and 125 accepted proposals. This resulted in a programme with 93 papers, eight symposia (>30 papers) and seven posters in a total of 40 sessions (32 paper sessions and 8 symposia) across the eleven sessions. We had an increase in the submissions but kept the number of presentations close to last years' (eight symposia, 83 individual papers). At least eight papers were no shows, which is a very high number and affected an equally high number of sessions.  

Joint sessions

We were glad to include in the programme two joint events with other networks: a symposium with network 23 and another with networks 01 and 27. We also highlight that 3 symposia developed through the networks' e-mail list. We are hoping that this continues in 2010. We also had symposia presenting international research projects which were very relevant to the network.

The session attendance was very good (on average 20 people, with some sessions reporting over 40), generating very good discussions and dialogue about the papers. A lot of work was put into the grouping and allocation of the papers to sub-themes, in order to have thematically coherent sessions that would support good discussions. The feedback indicates that this was accomplished. The sub-themes were very helpful and are now under discussion so that a new list can be agreed.

The papers per sub-theme were as follows (symposia were not classified in sub-themes):
  • Research on Professional Identity, Beliefs and Understanding of Teaching and Learning in Teacher Education - 11 sessions; 34 papers
  • Research on Pedagogical Approaches in Teacher Education – 9 sessions; 25 papers
  • Research on Programs in Teacher Education – 7 sessions; 20 papers
  • Research on Teacher Induction and Beginning Teachers – 3 sessions; 9 papers
  • Research on Continuing Professional Development – 1 session; 2 papers
  • European Dimension in Teacher Education – 1 session; 3 papers

The relevance of the papers to the network was also a success, after an effort during the review process to ensure it. Over 75% of the sessions were evaluated as “very relevant” to the network and only one paper was below “relevant”.

Teachers professional knowledge, science education, research capacity building initiatives and newly qualified teachers/induction were very strong and transversal topics this year suggesting that further joint initiatives should be planned for next year. The European dimension also came up repeatedly both during the review process and the sessions, and again in the network meeting as something that needs to be deepened. Besides the session on the sub-theme, a paper about the Erasmus experience in Teacher Education should be mentioned. The research methodologies in teacher education is also an emerging theme.  

Network Business Meeting

The business meeting was attended by over 50 members which was a very pleasing turnout and allowed a great discussion of the questions presented by the convenors (funding opportunities, ECER size, and NW 10 structure). Four new convenors joined the group. A joint project with Teacher Education Policy in Europe Network and a Summer School on Research Capacity Building were presented as funding proposals. The network dinner was also an important occasion for the group of nearly 40 members which gathered on the Tuesday evening.

Network 10 considers ECER 2009 a success.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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