Annual Report 2016
NW10 recived over 198 submissions and through the first and second round of reviews accepted 91% of papers. Although the number of submissions is slighly down (-22n) on last year more papers were accepted overall.
The sessions were mostly well attended with between 5 and 70 participants per session. In addition to participants from European countries we had researchers from Cananda, the USA and Austrialia in attendance, sharing work and engaging in discussion.
We expanded the number of reviewers this year and feedback from both those who submitted abstracts and reviewers was that the process was helpful, supportive and ecouraging. Having more reviewers means that the network can be more active, more responsive to European wide projects and calls and engage more institutions.
The network has a double-blind review process. In general, reviewers make good use of the guidance materials, are consistent in their decisions and include helpful feedback to the authors. In the small number of cases where there was a difference between the reviews, one of the networks convenors performed a third review.
Participants and chairpersons reported that both attendance and the quality of discussion and debate continued to be of a high standards and provide a supportive environment for emerging reseahers and those who shared work in progress.
It is importnat to note that in addition to the preparation and efforts of presenters, the quality of the experience is directly related to the excellent work done by the reviewers of the network whose names appear on the EERA Network’s website, as well as by the chairing persons (mobilised mostly from the reviewers’ list). As a network we are grateful to all those involved in ensuing the success of the conference.
This year NW10 engaged in discussions with a number of other networks in order to organise joint sessions. Unfortunatly due to programme constraits and subject focus we were not able to run any joint sessions but are open to and will plan for future collaborations.