Annual Report, 2014, Porto

Proposals and Submissions
- 69 proposals were submitted to network 11.
- 3 submissions were rejected because evaluation by reviewers didn't obtain the minimum mark of 5 as a mean.
- One of the submitted proposal was withdrawn before the schedule of sessions was planned.
- 62 submissions were accepted to be presented.
- 2 submissions were accepted to be presented as posters. 1 accepted poster was not exhibited during the Conference.
- 1 submission was accepted to be presented as a round table (with 5 interventions from participants of 4 different countries).
- 59 submissions were scheduled to be presented as papers.
- 6 papers from other networks (9 and 26 were also presented in sessions with network 11).
- The total number of papers presented in Network 11 was 65.
Reviewers and Reviewing
- Submissions were reviewed and assessed by 15 reviewers (1 more than for the ECER 2013), all of them convenors of Network 11.
- Reviewers are academics proceeding from the following countries: Belgium, Czech, Germany, Israel, Latvia, México, Scotland and Spain.
- Every submission was evaluated by two reviewers. According to the mean of the marks given by the evaluators, the link convenor accepted or rejected every proposal.
Sessions: Joint Sessions
- Two joint sessions were scheduled and held with network 9 ('Assessment, Evaluation, Testing and Measurement'). One of these sessions was chaired by a network 9 convenor; the other one was chaired by network 11 link convenor. The first one of these sessions was attended by a good number of delegates. As the second session was scheduled to be held as the last one (Friday, 15:30-17:00 h), the number of attendants was lower. Anyhow, in both joint sessions the participation was active (particularly in the first one) and attendants expressed their satisfaction for the content, atmosphere and interrelatonship. Attending delegates and convenors also expressed their satisfaction and their wish to continue having these joint sessions in future ECERs.
- There was another joint session with network 10 ('Teacher Education Research'). This session was schedule by neworkt 11 (after the acceptance by network 10 link convenor). There was not a 'replica' session suggested by network 10. The held joint session -on 'Teachers´Involvement in Educational Effectiveness'- was attended by a good number of delegates who participated actively and expressed their satisfaccion for the contents and the relationship. This session was chaired by the link convenor of network 10; the link convenor of network 11 acted as discussant and moderator.
Presenters and Delegates
- Presenters of papers accepted by network 11 proceeded from the following countries: Austria, Belgium, Chile, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Latvia, Mexico, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, UK and USA.
- Delegates who attended the round table, poster and paper sessions proceeded from the following 26 countries: Australia, Colombia, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Ukraine, United Kingdom and USA.
Topics of the 22 Sessions
- 'Measuring Quality in Institutions of Higher Education'
- 'Exploitation of Research and Evaluation Data to Improve Education'
- 'Effectiveness of Promoting non Academic Contents in Educational Institutions'
- 'Teacher's Attitudes and Views towards Programmes and Didactic Materials'
- 'Creative Innovation and Technology for the Quality of Education'
- 'Innovative Approaches to Improve Quality of Education'
- 'School Leadeership and Quality Assurance'
- 'Comparative Studies on the Quality of Education'
- 'Leadership to Promote Educational Effectiveness'
- 'External and Internal Evaluation of Educational Effectiveness'
- 'Students' and Teachers' Perceptions of Quality of Education'
- 'Teachers' Involvement in Educational Effectiveness'
- 'Adults' Training and Promotion of Values for Integrated Societies'
- 'Quality Assurance in Secondary Education'
- 'Teachers' Approaches to Remedial and Adult Education of Quality'
- 'Quality of Teaching to Improve Educational Effectiveness'
- 'Extended and Informal education of Quality'
- 'Use and Effect of Evaluation to Improve the Quality of Education'
- 'How to Improve Effectiveness in Institutions of Higher Education'
- 'Systemic Approaches in Educational Monitoring'
- 'Governance Actors of Promoting Quality of Educational Institutions'
- 'Checking Effectiveness by Evaluating Schools'
Network Meeting
-1.- Acknowledgment to presenters, reviewers, chairs and discussants
-2.- Co-convenors:
For ECER 2014
For ECER 2015
-3.- ECER 2014 evaluation by network 11:
Session functioning
Copies of papers given to attendants
Presenters' attendance
Session attendants
Shared sessions
4.- Proposals to EERA Council and to promote network 11
5.- Preparing ECER 2015:
Renovation of network link convenor
Reviewers (double reviewing)
Formats of presentations: symposia, workshops, round tables, posters
6.- Network structure:
Link convenor
Adjunct link convenor
Co-convenors, reviewers and chairs / discussants
Network Secretary
7.- Other themes:
Working group on 'Leadership and Quality of Education'
Some relevant aspects discussed and approved during the business network meeting include the following:
- In some presentations it was detected that the practical approach was quite scarce. It would be convenient to reinforce this aspect.
- It was suggested that EERA could elaborate a kind of 'Guide of presentations' to facilitate the quality of such presentations.
- The hand out of copies on paper of summaries during presentation was considered not very necessary as it would imply much unnecessary paper.
- Joint sessions were estimated as an appropriate idea and they were very well implemented.
- Although it was some resistance to the actual link convenor's resignation (most of the co-convenors wanted that he would continue), it was in the end approved that Dr. Lynne Grant will transitionally assume this role for ECER 2015. During this Conference, the post will be submitted to the approval of Dr. Grant's continuation or to the proposal of other member of the convenors' group as new link convenor.
- It was approved the proposal of new three co-convenors: Dr. Patricia Castanheira (from University of Aveiro, in Portugal), Dr. Manuel Fernández (from Latvia University, in Riga, Latvia) and Dr.Khampirat Buratin (from Suranaree University of Technology -SUT- in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand).It was approved the proposal of new three co-convenors: Dr. Patricia Castanheira (from University of Aveiro, in Portugal), Dr. Manuel Fernández (from Latvia University, in Riga, Latvia) and Dr.Khampirat Buratin (from Suranaree University of Technology -SUT- in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand).
- It was also approved that from January 2015 the 'transitional' link convenor will be Dr. Lynne Grant; the adjunt link convenor will continue to be Dr. J. Cajide; the group of 18 co-convenors will act as reviewers and then as session chairs for next Conferences; The secretary of the network will be assumed by Dr. Raúl González who will be assisted by 2 other colleagues: Dr. Gladis Merma (from the U. of Alicante -in Spain-) and Dr. Ana Porto (from the U. of Santiago de Compostela -also in Spain-).