The cancellation of ECER-2020 as of the COVID-19 motivated some of the NW members to develop on-line cooperation and communications in order to keep in touch. Whereas before that time participants used to communicate mostly during the ECER conference, they felt that they had to do something different in order to stay connected. I believe that this significant change that contributed significantly to the success of the current meeting- ECER2021. Conducting the last ECER conference was a challenge for all, but the highlights developed throughout the week when people made connection during the zoom-meeting through the chat. In addition, those who could not participate made sure in advance to wish the rest of the members good luck etc. Another highlight was during the NW meeting when the core of the NW members joined for the farewell from Dr. Heidi Flavian after 5 years as a LC, and welcomed Dr. Ineta Luka for becoming the new LC.