Annual Report 2022, ECER Yerevan and ECER Plus

One of the highlights was this year the meeting in person at the ECER in Yerevan. After the long period of reduced virtual communication it was a great pleasure to meet the colleagues at the beautiful and welcoming country. We had great and fruitful sessions and a lovely social event with great Armenian food.

I have to highlight the unconference about Open Science with several workshops in close cooperation with the emerging researchers and the round table about Open Science for Educational Research, its Infrastructures, and Practices.

A further highlight was the change of the name of network 12 to Open Research in Education. We have recognised that the previous name of the network Library and Information Science is quite vague while also being too narrow, and distant from educational research. Since several years, the network has conducted activities under the term “Open Sciences”, which have been very successful and fruitful: open access, open data, open educational resources, open method, open metrics. Open Science in Educational Research offers the potential to strengthen its effects on education and the society at large by making findings more visible, accessible and traceable. But it needs an alignment to Educational Research and should encompass a diversity of approaches and methods. This adjustment to Educational Research was raised in several discussions. To address this perspective and as well the heterogeneity of educational research we changed the name of the network to “Open Research in Education”.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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