This year was groundbreaking for Network 12 in discussing open science in educational research at EERA. We conducted a short survey on Open Science policies and infrastructures in European associations for the EERA Council meeting at the beginning of the year and organized two workshops on Open Access (OA)/Open Science (OS)/Open Research (OR) at the EERA Council Meeting 2024 (15 March) and the EERA Network Seminar 2024 (13/14 April). Building on this, a process was started to develop a position paper for EERA on Open Science and Open Access.
The ECER at Cyprus was a great success for Network 12 and its topics. Highlights have been in 2024:
- EERA Panel Discussion : Aligning Open Science to Educational Research - Potentials and Boundaries
- EERA Panel Discussion: Thematical Trends in 30 Years of European Educational Research. Looking Back to Look Ahead
- Paper Sessions about 'OER, Transfer and Openness' and 'Systematisation and Openness in Research'
- Joint Research Workshop, NW 10, NW 12 & NW 22 about 'Three Decades of EERA
- Opening up ECER submissions for analysis'
- Joint Symposium with NW 06 about Open Epistemologies. Open Science, Open Truth, Open Data and the Age of Uncertainty
- A Practice Workshop 'Empowering Research: A Workshop on Navigating Educational Literature'