Annual Report 2012, Cádiz
The network received a healthy number of submissions (75 including redirections from other networks). The reviewers were eager to maintain the quality of the conference, possibly to improve it further. Quite a few proposals had to be redirected. This brings the overall acceptance rate for the 2012 conference around 63 %, slightly higher than previous years. As always, session 1 was allocated to the invited speaker: Concepcíon Naval (Universidad de Navarra, Spain) addressed "Humanities at the heart of education". The programme figured around 50 presentations. On average there were around 30 people in each session. The well attended (and thoroughly enjoyed) conference dinner took place on Thursday, September 11.
The 2012 business meeting (September 11) had 25 participants; several issues were discussed and decided.
It was agreed that the reviewing procedure (all convenors review all submissions) and a majority decision is made, will be continued. To strengthen the focus of the discussion the delegates felt that more attention should be paid to the general theme of the conference. To achieve this the link-convenor will write to those who submitted material in the previous years stressing this point and explicitly calling for symposia. More room will be given to these in the 2013 programme. In the over-all decision to accept or reject this will be another element that will be looked at concerning all kinds of submissions. Though the network will still accept submissions which deal with work in philosophy of education in the general sense, it particularly invites contributions which deal with issues related to the annual ECER conference theme. The meeting expressed the wish to continue the efforts to set up joint sessions with other networks. Further, the link-convenor is asked to explore a publication channel for the material that is presented at the conference. Finally, information was given about EERA President Lejf Moos’ initiative on EU Policy concerning Social Sciences and Humanities. There was no other business that was suggested and the feeling was expressed that the participants were happy about the way the network operated.