Annual Report 2011, Berlin

Annual Report 2011, Berlin

Network 14 received more than 90 proposals to review. In addition some of them were symposia with about 4 papers to review together with the general text of the proposal. This means that our network had more than 100 proposal texts to review. As last year with double reviewing, this means a lot of work to do for the convenor group. The program of the network (see the URL: was then changed or adjusted during the summer because some submitters of the proposals did not accept the time slot in the program. ECER secretariat renegotiated the presentation schedule resulting in program changes. For some sessions this means that they turn out to have only two presentations – i.e. very vulnerable. And in some cases the session in the end had only one or two papers to be presented and discussed. This tendency we find in one of our thematic strands. The Network 14 program this year has 3 thematic main strands or thematic focuses: Thematic strand 1. Place based education. Comparative analysis of school-community relationships in rural/urban schooling ( 3 sessions 10 papers+ 1 paper cancelled; in average about (21+) attendants). Thematic strand 2. Research on life course transitions (home, primary school, secondary school adult life) in this field. ( 3 sessions 12 papers, 0 papers cancelled; in average about (21+) attendants). Thematic strand 3. Research on schools-families-communities‘ partnerships (21 papers, 10 sessions).  In thematic strand 1 and 2, 22 papers were presented and discussed during 6 sessions – which means in average 3,7 papers a session. In thematic strand 3, 21 papers were presented and discussed during 10 sessions, which means in average 2,1 papers a session. As we can read from this we have too many papers in the sessions of strand 1 and 2 (weakening both presentations and discussions) and too few in strand 3 (reducing the reflexive and discursive potential of the session). For coming years ECER conferences this would mean that we have to follow the guideline of maximum 3 papers a session more strictly, reflecting the fact that discussion of the presented papers is the core quality of ECER.

Cancellations is a minor problem – but problematic in most single session cases – especially the few vulnerable ones. The quality of the discussions in most sessions was high. We also experienced paper presentations with a negative difference comparing the proposal and what was actually presented. Some applicants obviously use too big words without possibilities for the reviewers to check it. This makes the presentations within a session asymmetrical in discursive potential and is a set back of the overall quality of the discussion.

Network 14 had a joint symposium with Network 23. Schooling and education after neo-liberalism: creating spaces for education. Part 1 and 2. Papers presented and discussed: 9. Chair: John Schostak. Discussant: Keri Facer.

A breakdown of the sessions and symposia is <link file:1935 _self network documentation for annual report>available here to download.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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