
2019 - Special Call

NW 16 offered the special call at ECER 2019: Education in an era of risk – Addressing the issue of cyber risks

2012 - Change in Link Convenor

In 2012, Ton Mooij stepped down as Link Covenor after having served the network since its´ establishment. Ed Smeets (Netherlands) was proposed and accepted as new Link Convenor of network 16.

2010 - Interview with Link Convenor

At ECER 2010 "Education and Cultural Change” in Helsinki, Graham Attwell and his colleagues from Pontysysgu interviewed the link convenor Ton Mooij.

2009 - Project

NW 16 tested "Databank Development, Knowledge Sharing, Communication, Cooperation and Presentation"

2002 - Change in Link Convenor

Since 2002 Ton Mooji acted as the only Link Convenor for network 16.

2001 - Change of Name

In 2001 the title of the network shortend into 'ICT and Education'. Which was changed back to 'ICT in Education and Training' the year after.

1998 - Network Founded

The network was created at ECER 1998, Ljubljana, by Jens Pedersen, Ton Mooij, and Pirjo Linnakyli. Initially, attention was directed at ICT and its uses in education and training. Nowadays, the focus is on ICT-based, integrated processes and outcomes in education, instruction, and learning. The general goal is to study and improve ICT-supported education, learning and training, at all levels of attainment and in different professional environments. We focus on integrated multilevel modeling including theorising concerning educational, instructional, (meta)cognitive, social and motivational processes, performances and effects. Particular attention is given to longitudinal research, construction and use of benchmarks at different levels, and integrated innovation and evaluation designs.

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Interview with Link Convenor 2019