Annual Report 2019, Hamburg

ECER 2019 was another good conference for NW18. We had a good number of papers and the sessions were generally well attended. Overall, the standard of presentations was high, and presentations were followed by vibrant, constructive debates about key issues in fields of relevance to the network. It was particularly encouraging to have international representation in the NW18 sessions - with several people presenting for the first time. During ECER 2019, NW18 continued the tradition to invite a local speaker to address the network, with Martin Holsweg attending. This was a fascinating session in which Martin shared his work with EUPEA and DSLV (the European Physical Education Association and German Physical Education Teacher Association) and encouraged conversations around how NW18 might be able to link with/learn from these organisations and their work. We had one joint session planned with NW08, although the withdrawal of one paper from this meant that the remaining papers were simply reallocated to single network sessions. The timing of joint sessions will be reviewed ahead of ECER 2020 (as this was felt to be a contributing factor) but conversations have already taken place between NW18 and NW08 regarding possible areas of relevance for joint sessions (e.g. embodiment and health and wellbeing). We envisage more productive joint sessions in ECER 2020.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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