Annual Report 2019, Hamburg

In general, the quality of the sessions in ECER 2019 was increased in terms of reflection, innovative research and number of participants compared to other ECER conferences.

This year, NW20 had a special session zero in which our co-convenor Raimonda Bruneviciute explained the history of the NW20 and together we discussed the mission and future of the network.

Regarding sessions, NW20 had a special call together with NW31.Language and education with the title “Reflections on cultural and linguistic diversity in educational research”. The special call was a fantastic way of encountering researchers from two networks with the idea of learning together.

NW20 collaborated in a Joint Session titled “Education research at risk in Europe: What are the scientific, ethical, political and practical implicacions? coordinated by NW4, and including other three more networks: NW7, NW8, NW30.

Plans for ECER 19 were related to the idea of including more researchers in our network and design a project that could contribute to the development of N20.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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