Annual Report 2012, Cadiz
The main network 24 activity was the ECER conference (its organisation and eliciting of high quality papers and symposia). Talking to participants at several sessions and those at the business meeting, it emerged that the conference was a success for the Mathematics Education Research Network in academic terms. Several reasons were mentioned: e.g. good variety of themes; high quality of papers and symposia. Furthermore, the network continued its policy of promoting coherent symposia and roundtables for a more ‚wholesome‘ experience- discussions were more frequent in such sessions. As in previous years, network 24 had a very high number of outer-European contributions, ranging from Australia to the US, and including of course contributions from many European countries. At the business meeting it was suggested to have a new form of presentation/discussion: a network forum, that is a position paper is distributed (everybody hast o read it) and this is discussed by a selected panel.
However, there were also shortcomings: the organisation at the conference venue was not as good as in previous conferences (e.g. rooms could not be found, there was no support with ICT facilities, ICT facilities were lacking). In addition, the room allocated to network 24 was not condusive to discussion.
In terms of number of sessions: all sessions were allocated, and only one session had to run parallel (changed session). There were several collaborative activities: with network 27; network 3 and network 20. A particpular Roundtable on ‚Methodological Issue in Mathematics Education Research‘ was elicited and provided subsequent to one common (with Network 27) symposium.