Annual Report 2016, Dublin

Annual Report 2016, Dublin

At ECER 2016 we had 19 paper presentations, 3 symposia (involving 10 more papers), 2 posters and 1 video presentation. Regarding the previous year, NW24 experienced a decrease of sessions, probably due to the fact that this year there was an ICME (International Congress in Mathematics Education) congress, which happens every 4 years. There were 14,3% fewer sessions this year than in ECER 2015. We presented 12 sessions in total, having in mind that we had 1 parallel session and 1 joint session.

The main topics discussed during the conference include: (a) STEM, (b) insights in mathematics education, (c) evidence-based learning applied to mathematics, (d) exploring text and textbooks in mathematics teaching and learning, (e) use of ICTs, (f) collaborative problem solving, (g) professional training, (h) use and structure of the pedagogical language of mathematics teachers and researchers, (i) arithmetic and number sense, (j) mathematics and language, and (k) mathematics and beliefs.

We approved 81% of the submissions and we rejected almost 18% of them. The maximum score for a paper was 9,3 points. The average score obtained for the authors during the evaluation phase was 7,1 points, with a standard deviation of 1,35 points. Half of the papers submitted obtained up to 7,5 points, and 75% of the papers obtained 8,1 points. Similar to last year, the audience appreciated specially the symposiums. During the business meeting, more cross-NWs collaboration was requested, as a detail to improve for next conferences.

This year NW24 was expecting to organize 3 joint sessions. However, due to "external" factors, finally we just organized 1 joint session, with NW16, because the were not enough papers to put together the other two JS. This means that next year this would be a particular challenge for NW24.

We didn't have a special call for ECER 2016. However, the participants in the NW24 asked for organize a special call for ECER 2017, based on the general theme published on the EERA website.

For next year NW24 also received a grant to organize a Season School in Barcelona. It is expected to have up to 20 PhD students from all over Europe, attending the season school, focused on mixed methods.

During the business meeting at ECER 2016 the LC also presented information regarding publications. It is expected that we will participate in the EERA book on Methodologies. Also for next year it would be another challenge to encourage participants to produce an special issue for a journal.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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