Network Meeting 2017, Copenhagen

Network Meeting Copenhagen, 2017

ECER 2017 – Minutes of the network meeting (NW 26, Educational Leadership)

ECER 2017 – Key numbers

  • The educational leadership network is now among the 9 largest networks.
  • ECER 2017 had 2520 submissions total, double blind peer reviews by a minimum of 2 reviewers were the norm. Acceptance rate overall: 88% (2016: 87%; 2015: 86%)
  • NW 26 acceptance rate for 2017: 85%, 92 out of 108 submissions accepted. This is an increase in quantity and quality (2016, 81%, 79 out of 98 submissions accepted; 2015: acceptance rate 83%, 69 out of 83 submissions accepted).
  • NW26 presentations included 2 posters, 4 Pecha Kucha sessions, a workshop and 6 symposia.

Quality and acceptance
With quality of submissions varying, the importance of detailed feedback that is coherent with the rating of the submission is more important than ever before. Co-convenors are encouraged to watch for possible inconsistencies between the reviewer comments and avarage scores given, which would discourage potential presenters, especially the emerging researchers.
The issue was raised whether there were detailed guidelines for reviewers available. These can be downloaded at (look for “Guidelines for Reviewers (Convenors)”).
A continuing challenge is assessing proposals that are too short. There were a couple of proposals that had an overall word count (excluding references) of 400 words or less. As a rule of thumb, submissions with less than 600 words (excluding references) will be scrutinized with special care.

Link Convenor and Co-Convenors:
Link Convenor
Pierre Tulowitzki, Switzerland


The co-convenors had to fairly review a large number of proposals. A big thanks to them!
The co-convenors of NW26 are:
Helene Ärlestig, Sweden
Stefan Brauckmann, Austria
Lawrie Drysdale, Australia
Kirsten Foshaug Vennebo, Norway
Lars Frode Frederiksen, Denmark
David Gurr, Australia
David Kemethofer, Austria
Barbara Kohlstock, Switzerland
Ulf Leo, Sweden
Gerry Macruairic, Ireland
Joanna Madalińska-Michalak, Poland
Deniz Örücü, Turkey
Petros Pashiardis, Cyprus
Sigríður Margrét Sigurðardóttir, Iceland
Carolyn M. Shields, USA
Helen Wildy, Australia

Co-Convenors review the submissions for the network (in a double-blind process). In addition, some of them may help organize things around the network in other ways (for example by giving advice on how to structure the conference program for the network). They also act as a reference group to the link convenor.
The link convenor is appointed by each network to act as first contact and coordinator of the co-convenors. Link convenors are tasked to be the contact person for the EERA Office, Executive Board and Council for any questions related to the network. They also manage the operations of the network and coordinate the ECER program for the network.

As per the discussion and decision in the 2015 network meeting, the link convenor mandate in network 26 will last four years with one possible re-election. Impeachment is possible by the co-conveners or during the network meeting. During the third year an incoming link convenor will be elected to shadow the link convenor with the aim to be confirmed via an election process at the next year’s network meeting

New co-convenors can be suggested by anyone at any time. Interested parties should send a message to the link convenor, detailing their previous experience. The network is looking to maintain a diverse group of co-convenors with regard to gender, age, nationality and expertise.

Network Funding Opportunities
There are several funding opportunities to take advantage of:

  • Network Projects
    Budget: 5000 Euros
  • EERA Season School, Network Season School
    Budget: 5000 Euros
  • Network-Related Publications
    Budget: 1500 Euros

Please contact link convenor first as an endorsement is required.

The next deadline for all forms of network funding is 3 November 2017. Further information is available at <link _blank>
Jani Ursin, Network Representative on Council, can also give additional information. E-Mail: <link window for sending>

Next conference in Bolzano 3 - 7 Sept, Free University Bolzano

ECER 2018 will take place from 3 - 7 September at the Free University Bolzano, Bolzano.
It will be preceded by the annual Emerging Researchers' Conference on September 03 & 04. 
The theme will be “Inclusion and Exclusion. Resources for Educational Research”
Participants are encouraged to look for hotels early.

Other issues

Publications: There is interest in trying to get a journal special issue off the ground to feature contributions from the network. Anyone interested in leading such an endeavor is encouraged to contact the link convenor as soon as possible.

Honorary Network Membership: It was discussed to prepare bids to make two former link convenors Honorary Network Members of Network 26. The link convenor will prepare a proposal and try to get official support from the co-convenors. The approval of the proposal for submission to EERA Council will then take place during the network meeting at ECER 2018.

A recurring idea is to make more visible what members from the network haven been working on are currently working on. This could be in the form of a small book exhibition, flyers or joint efforts like a special issue in a journal. These could displayed during the network meeting.

If you have questions or ideas do not hesitate to contact the link convenor:
<link window for sending> or use our webpage <link _blank>

Thanks to all that took time to come to the meeting, all together we were over 50 persons at the business meeting.

NW 26 runs a mailing list and invites researchers to join. To join the mailing list, send a blank message to nw26-subscribe(at)

Interview with Link Convenor 2019