Annual Report 2011, Berlin

Annual Report 2011, Berlin

Network 3 was able to put an interesting programme together: 14 sessons, including four symposia and one poster session. The sessions were very well-attended. Major themes were: school-based curriculum development in countries with various educational policies; issues regarding curriculum development at scale; professional development of teachers in the domain of curriculum development; issues related to designing a core curriculum.

For the future, symposia will be welcomed, because of the possibility to discuss themes from different perspectives and have a discourse based (at least partly) on the additional issues raised by a discussant.

In order to give more attention to poster sessions, this year a poster prize was organized. Each network was invited to nominate one poster. As our network only got one poster, this one was nominated (but did not win, unfortunately). The winner of the prize is presented on the ECER website. Next year, the poster prize will be organized, again. Moreover, interactive poster sessions with 'a guided tour' will be scheduled with an open discussion at the end of the session.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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