Annual Report 2014, Porto

Annual Report 2014, Porto

ECER 2014 was successful, also from the point of view of the Curriculum Network. Next to well-attended paper sessions, we organized a very successful double-symposium on 'Balancing Curriculum Regulation and Freedom across Europe', based on the Cidree-book (free accessable at <link http: publications yearbook_2013 _self external link in new> New was the organisation of a workshop on Curricular Capacity Building. In a hands-on session several principles for sustainable curricular capacity development were discussed.

During ECER 2014, we organized -for the first time- a joint session 'Curriculum meets didactics', together with NW 24 (Mathematics Education Research) and NW 27 (Didactics: Learning and Teaching). After four brief presentations, interaction between the autors and the audience was sought. This stimulated a vivid discussion and exploration of promising research issues and avenues where synergy between the two traditions can be expected.

Also for the future, symposia will be very much welcomed . These symposia have proven to be an effective manner to create high quality sessions. Moreover, EERA is stimulating the creation of joint sessions with other networks to increase coherence. Network 3 will work on that and when relevant will continue to stimulate it.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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