Annual Report 2019, Hamburg

The NW30 sessions were generally successful and received good feedback. The number of attending audience was strong throughout the conference and network sessions, even the very last sessions on Friday, were well attended. Over relatively few years we have grown from a new network to a relatively large network, but it is our perception that the early sense of community is still vibrant and that influences both the quality and atmosphere of the sessions in a positive way.

The sheer number of accepted submissions this year (100) made the network's activities of a larger scale than ever before, but the organization in Hamburg from ECER and the host worked quite well and we had primarily positive feedback regarding the whole event, ECER, and the network activities.

NW 30 did not have a special call this year (but a special call for 2020 in Glasgow has been submitted). We did, however, have a number of joint sessions, which were quite successful and provided a good influx into the NW programme. In 2019, network 30, developed and contributed to the following joint sessions: A session together with NW 02, NW 06, and NW 12 on Challenges and Risks in Open Access A session together with NW 13 on Dark Pedagogy. A double symposium with NW 13 on Public pedagogy. A session in the general EERA programme together with NW 04, NW 07, NW 08 and NW 20 on Education Research At Risk In Europe The joint sessions were well attended and something the link convenors and convenor group would like to develop further as they proved to be a very productive way of engaging with other NWs research agendas and linking towards potential future collaborative projects.

Overall, our network experienced ECER 2019 as a significant milestone in the development of our network as one of the more prominent and visible networks at ECER. We as a network hope that ECER 2020 in Glasgow will build on the accomplishments of Hamburg and strengthen the network´s cooperation with other networks as well as be as visible and well attended as the year before.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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