Annual Report 2012, Cadiz

Annual Report 2012, Cadiz

In Cadiz we filled all the slots of our network programme with paper presentations, yet there was no need for parallel sessions. One double symposium was organised (Key Concepts and Key Issues in Learning, Education, Media and Culture), this time without cooperation with any other EERA networks. 24 papers were presented in twelve sessions: Open Learning in Digital Era, Digital Media in Science Education, Open Learning Cultures, Open Learning Environments, Cooperation and Reflection in Open Learning, Digital Narratives in Open Learning, Learning with Social Media, Open Learning Environments: Looking for Evidences, Learning With Digital Media In and Out Of School, Teachers and New Literacies. Two posters were presented in the poster session as well. There were no no-shows this year – all presenters showed up and made their presentations.

The number of participants per session ranged from 10-30. The presentations were addressing a wide range of topics, while media education and language of research had more attention if compared with previous ECER conferences.

In our network meeting, there were 14 participants present, as some of potential attendees had to leave earlier. It was improvement in comparison with the previous year, thanks to the fact that network meeting was organised not in the end of the last conference day. We have a tradition to bring national drinks and snacks to the network meeting, but this year it was forbidden to bring any food to lecture halls, which is a pity. We did not elect the new link convenor, this will be done next year in Istanbul.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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