Annual Report 2009, Vienna

Annual Report 2009, Vienna

For NW7 we had approximately 85 submissions, which resulted in a programme of 7 symposia (with a total of 32 contributions) and 52 individual papers across 13 sessions and 2 poster presentations. Like every year we organized a joint session with another network.This year there was a joint symposium with  the network on histories of education: Writing histories of inter-cultural education formed the focus of our joint endeavour.

The 24 rejections were done mainly on the grounds of a vague description of the research question(s) in the abstracts. The research methodology lacked details and there was a question of references which were either not relevant or they were missing. In a few cases submissions were rejected  because the topic was not directly related to the concerns of NW7. Most of the rejections concerned proposals from eastern and south Europe. Not all the contributions programmed were actually presented. We had some early and late withdrawals (8) and 5 presenters not showing up. This was a great pity especially in the case of presenters who did not bother to tell us that they were not coming, and there were people waiting to hear the promised papers. We were wondering if ECER data base should keep a record of such people for future reference?

This year's themes were: 

  • social justice: pedagogical approaches
  • social justice: language policies and national identities
  • social justice: specific groups
  • an European project for Roma pupils: educational inclusion
  • social justice: statistics and surveys
  • participation and migration
  • social justice and gender
  • gender, achievement and popularity in the UK secondary
  • gender and ethnicity: preparing for adulthood
  • religious education in multi-cultural context
  • islamic teachers in difficult times
  • challenges in responding to cultural diversity
  • critical reflections on citizenship education
  • different approaches to citizenship education
  • teachers' perspectives on diversity
  • writing histories of intercultural education
  • intercultural education: diversity in the class
  • intercultural education: shifting patterns of integration
  • education and identity: student perspectives

Throughout the programme we had parallell sessions which were on the whole very well attended. We counted an audience of more then 60 in several sessions.
The business meeting was attended by around 10 members.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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