Annual Report 2012, Cádiz

Annual Report 2012, Cadiz

We had a large number of papers and posters ay ECER 2012 (over 180) with 3 interactive poster sessions. Three other Networks (19, 24 and 25) gave workshops at the ERG and two other workshops were given; one around the PhD process and the other by EERJ Editors. 18 mentors (Chairs) were recruited from other Networks but having a sufficient number of mentors remains a challenge. Patricia Fidalgo took over as Link Convenor at the end of the ERG conference. As before, a 50 Euro charge for the ERG conference covered lunch vouchers and, since this charge has been made, attendance is stronger than prior to an attendance fee. Two Scholarship funded places were not attended by the recipient and, as a result, funds were withheld. Plans are in place to ensure attendance from Scholarship recipients in the future.

Each network holds a Network Meeting during ECER and invites interested researchers to join. We have collected the network meeting minutes.
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EERA has published ECER statistics for each network since 2018.
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