Annual Report 2017, Copenhagen
Around 350 participants and 179 paper/ poster/ pecha kucha presentations. (There were 12 withdrawals). 93 reviewers contributed to double-peer reviews of 197 submissions. There were 65 sessions, including 2 Network workshops, 2 workshops (1 on Preparing for the Viva and another one on academic writing and for EERJ), 1 Roundtable and 1 Keynote. Majority of the sessions had 11-20 participants which is an increase from last year. 336 participants were expected, out of which 315 attended. ERG had the support of 32 different chairs during the two days of the Conference. Thematic focus of the presentations, as with all ERCs, ranged from across the range of networks. A second level of analysis of second network preferences reveals the top three networks as NW:10 Teacher Education Research (28 submissions to the ERC); NW:26 Educational Leadership (26 submissions to the ERC) and NW:22 Research in Higher Education (17 submissions to the ERC).